Adriatic Sea Summer University
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
CIFE invites students and young professionals to apply for its one-week Summer University with the topic "La Croatie d'hier %C3%A0 aujourd'hui".This Summer University course takes place in Split from 1 to 7 July 2015. About 30 international students can learn about the history of Croatia, its cultural heritage and its interaction with its neighbours and the European Union on the political and economical arena. They will also discuss how the accession of Croatia to the EU might have an impact on the future enlargements in the Balkans. The participants will benefit by the contributions of international experts on this field. This Summer programme is offered in French.PROGRAMME:1. L%E2%80%99 Historique de la Croatie :- Panorama historique.- Heritage culturel.- Aspects economiques et environnementaux.2. La Croatie, l%E2%80%99Union europeenne et les Balkans:- La Croatie : les reglementations europeennes en matiere d%E2%80%99environnement- La Croatie et la problematique generale de l%E2%80%99adhesion des Etats des Balkans a l%E2%80%99Union europeenne- L%E2%80%99impact de l%E2%80%99adhesion Croate sur les processus d%E2%80%99adhesion des autres Etats des Balkans- La place de la Croatie au sein de l%E2%80%99Union europeenne et du march%C3%A9 interieur- La place de la Croatie au sein de la Politique de defense de l%E2%80%99Union europeenne.- La Croatie et la gestion post conflictuelle du conflit dans l%E2%80%99ex Yougoslavie- Les frontieres de la Croatie au regard de l%E2%80%99Union europeenne et des Balkans- Les problematiques de securite interieure au sein de l%E2%80%99Union europeenne et dans le cadre de la politique- de voisinage.

Course aim
A balanced mixture of seminars, lectures, and cultural visits ensure an active involvement of the students. Participants have the possibility to work and discuss their ideas in an open atmosphere and within a multidisciplinary and strongly international framework.The CIFE Summer School is known for its level of excellence, the high level of both academic speakers and practitioners and the active involvement of the participants to all discussions and debates. This outstanding experience will certainly provide the participants with interesting exchange and mutual learning, deep EU expertise and relevant output for their CV.

Credits info
ECTS credits available for this programme.

Fee info
EUR 0: Please contact us for more information about the fees for this programme.

A limited number of scholaships is available for particularly qualified candidates.

CIFE - Centre international de formation europ%C3%A9enne
Address: 10, Avenue des Fleurs
Postal code: F - 06000
City: Nice
Country: France
Phone: +33 (0) 4 93 97 93 97