calendar_month 28 Sep 2015, 00:00
Develop knowledge in sustainable agriculture and food systems: cropping and breeding systems, sustainable management of agroecosystems, biodiversity management, food system analysis. * Applying Agroecological practices* Managing biodiversity* Diversifying food systemsLearn or improve your French skills with French courses and excursions.

Course leader
Lectures, field trips, case studies and personal research on these themes.Excursions to the Old-town Lyon, Valle du Rhne vineyars, cheese maker in the Alps, Cholocate factory in Provence, ...

Target group
Undergraduate students with a major in science or humanities

Course aim
Develop knowledge in sustainable agriculture and food systems: cropping and breeding systems, sustainable management of agroecosystems, biodiversity management, food system analysis. Learn or improve your French skills with French courses and excursions.

Credits info
9 ECTS The course is for 9 ECTS:6 for satisfying the scientific requirements and 3 for the linguistic/cultural studies over 5 weeks.

Fee info
EUR 1850: The fee includes housing, excursions, French courses, field trips, 4 meals.Not included: transport (to and in Lyon), personal trips, meals expect for the welcome dinner and lunch, a lunch at a cheese farm and the farewell dinner.

We are offering some scholarships (850) upon social and accademic level criteria.

Address: Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, 23 rue Jean Baldassini
Postal code: 69007 - Lyon (France)
City: Lyon
Country: France
Phone: +33 4 27 85 85 10