Architecture and Design programmes
calendar_month 28 Sep 2015, 00:00
Come and immerge yourself in the topics of design, prototyping, digital development and the internet of things. The summer school of making is an intensive experience. Based on your personal interest, you will choose and attend in a set of workshops during the day and open labs in the evening.

Course leader
In 2015 you can be part of the Summer School of Making of Howest University College and BUDA::lab.

Target group
This event is addressed to professionals, graduates, students and PhD-students from several creative-technical disciplines who want to learn hands-on techniques and perfect their making skills.

Course aim
For makers who want to immerge themselves in the topics of design, prototyping, digital development and the internet of things.

Credits info
3 ECTS Students who want to obtain 3 ECTS credits are more than welcome to work on an interdisciplinary social-cultural design challenge (19-21th of August) led by design & multimedia coaches. The overarching theme for the challenge in 2015 will be The Internet of Things.

Fee info
EUR 650: Price students: 650Price alumni: you graduated from Howest in 2014 or 2015? You can subscribe at the student price! EUR 850: Price professionals: 850For Small & Medium Sized Companies in Flanders: the summer school is eligible for a grant under the SME portfolio pillar "education" (DV.O102391 = Howest's registration number).

Mail to

College of West Flanders
Address: Dam 2a Kortrijk Graaf Karel de Goedelaan 5 Kortrijk
Postal code: 8500
City: Kortrijk
Country: Belgium
Phone: +32 56 24 12 11