Barcelona Microeconometrics Summer School
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
The increasing availability of individual data from surveys has led not only to a significant growth in the number of academic jobs of an empirical nature using this type of information but also to a greater number of studies commissioned by public and private institutions in which this type of data is used.The characteristics of this type of data are such that statistical and econometric techniques appropriate for their treatment have a specific nature, generally differentiated from those appropriate for time series data. The qualitative nature of most of the information, the representativity of the samples used, the censoring issues associated to the dependent variables are, among others, some of the aspects that distinguish these techniques from an econometric perspective.Furthermore, the growing importance of this type of information has also meant that a significant number of official surveys from different countries have a panel data structure. That is, one individual (person, household, firm) is observed for several time periods. This type of data have some econometric advantage and also requires the use of specific techniques.Finally, it is becoming a usual practice to evaluate public policies by comparing the results of a given treatment in a group of individuals with those of another group with similar characteristics that hasn%E2%80%99t been the object of the treatment. To do this, information from surveys is also used, this being a specific framework for the application of econometric techniques for individual data.
Course leader
It is directed by Sergi Jimnez-Martn, Professor of Economics at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Professor Jimnez-Martn is a Barcelona GSE Affiliated Professor.
Target group
Researchers and professionals from public institutions (economists from ministries of economy, labor, industry, etc.,) or private institutions (economists from the research departments of financial firms or consultants) whose work requires the handling and treatment of individual data. PhD and master students in economics (or in the social sciences) who intend to or are in the process of preparing dissertations with an empirical component that requires an econometric treatment of individual data. Holders of undergraduate degrees in economics or the social sciences who wish to round out their background in quantitative topics that have a general and/or specific applicability.
Course aim
Give the strong methodological and empirical nature of the course methodology
Credits info
At the conclusion of the Summer Schools, participants will receive a certificate for the number of hours attended. All Barcelona GSE courses require an average of twice the lecture hours for readings, pre-readings and class preparation. Interested students should check with their universities to see how these hours are transferable into ECTS credits.
Fee info
EUR 675: Applies to PhD students, returning summer school participants and Barcelona GSE students / alumni. EUR 1150: Regular Fee
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
Address: Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
Postal code: 08005
City: Barcelona
Country: Spain
Phone: +34 93 542 1222