Berlin%E2%80%99s Museums: A History of Exhibiting
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
How, and by what means objects are put on display, or are turned into exhibits is one of the main issues of permanent exhibitions in museums. In this course, we explore and analyse the various historical, as well as current, forms of showing, presenting and "bringing to view" by visiting several cultural (non-art) museums in Berlin. We will reflect on the techniques of exhibition with respect to related methods and practices of perception.How, and by which means objects are put on display, or are turned into exhibits is one of the main issues of permanent exhibitions at museums. Respective forms of exhibiting have been subject to permanent change as long as museums exist, and correspond to respective ways of perception. In recent years, however, under the conditions of mass-media and digitalization, working with and displaying a limited number analog objects in museums has been contested and replaced by all kind of audiovisualia more and more often. Thinking about forms of display thus leads inevitably to a reflection of the role and function of museums in modern societies.By visiting especially Berlin's non-art museums, we will explore and analyze the various historical and actual forms and techniques of showing, presenting and bringing to view as well as reflect them with respect to related ways and habits of perceiving.

Course leader
Michael Fehr has been Professor and Director of the Institute for Art in Context at the Berlin University of Fine Arts from 2005-2014, and Director of the Karl Ernst Osthaus-Museum of the City of Hagen, from 1987 to 2005. Prior to that he was assistant Pr

Course aim
Program (subject to alteration) Thursday, July 23, 2015Meeting point:Institut fr Kunst im KontextUniversitt der Knste BerlinEinsteinufer 43-5310597 BerlinRoom 307Bus-stop Marchbrcke (Bus 245)9:30 amGathering10 am 12:30 pm:Introduction into the issues of the seminarBerlin University of the Arts, Einsteinufer, Room 272 6 pm:Excursion IJugendmuseum Schneberg Technisches Museum Museum der Dinge Friday, July 24, 201510 am 1 pm:Excursion IIGemldegalerie Old Masters Kunstgewerbemuseum (Museum of Applied Arts)2pm 6 pm:Excursion IIINatural History Museum; Medical History Museum; me Collectors Room July 25, Saturday, 201510 am 1 pm:Excursion IVStasimuseum (Museum on site); Museum of American Art (artist's museum)2 4 pm:Excursion VMrkisches Museum (History Museum of Berlin) Reflection, Wrap up

Fee info
EUR 350: Course Fee


Berlin University of the Arts
Address: Berlin Career College, Bundesallee 1-12
Postal code: 10719
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 30 3185 2087