Berlin im Wandel: Literatur und Kultur von 1900 bis zur Gegenwart
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
The focus of historical events in Germany is without doubt in Berlin. In this seminar, we will examine which changes the city went through as a cultural metropolis from the end of the 19th century up to today. The focus is directed, primarily, on the perception of historical and social developments in Berlin as they were formulated by authors and artists during the respective periods - in times of the Prussian-German Wilhelmism, the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich, in the stages of division and after reunification.Determining basic political and aesthetic positions, we will use the following set of questions as a guideline for the discussion of the selected texts: (1). The influence of technology and urban development on art and literature, (2). Positions on political and social functions of art, (3). The city as a space of competing conceptions of national identity, (4). Berlin between the fronts during the Cold War and (5) as a multicultural metropolis after reunification. In addition, excursions to museums and documentation centres offer the possibility to experience the town in its present and historical dimensions and to deepen acquired impressions and knowledge.
Course leader
Dr. Anja Richter
Target group
Except for the German language requirements mentioned below, students do not have to be well-versed in German literature or history. The course is designed for students with different backgrounds who are interested in modern German literature and film about Berlin from 1900 up to today. The seminar is intended for undergraduate and graduate students.
Credits info
6 ECTS GRADING 30% Regular attendance and active class participation. This course is run as a seminar, i. e. your participation in class is crucial. 25% Two response papers of approximately 500 words (two pages) each. 20% One oral presentation of approximately 15 minutes. Intended to kick off the class discussion, the presentations should primarily reflect your very own insights, questions, and arguments. Topics will be distributed in the first week of class. 25% Final paper (six to eight pages).
Fee info
EUR 1350: Tuition EUR 250: Program fee
Freie Universit%C3%A4t Berlin
Address: FUBiS, Malteserstr. 74-100
Postal code: 12249
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Phone: +49-30-838 73472