Coralgamap Coraline Algae in a Multidisciplinary Approach
calendar_month 26 Oct 2015, 00:00
The crustose coralline algae (CCA) are one of the most widespread group of marine benthic habitat engineers. CCA bio-concretions are hotspots of biodiversity and providers of several goods and services to society, i.e. as highly productive fishing sites. Since CCA are completely calcified, they are frequently preserved as fossil, and may represent important paleoecological tool and economic resources (oil industry, building). As they are relevant both to bioscience (from molecular biology to ecology) and to geoscience (geomorphology, habitat mapping, paleoecology etc.), they should be approached by taking advantage of cross-fertilization from all these disciplines. Introduction to the calcareous red algae (Biology, Paleontology, Taxonomy); CCA as habitat engineer: bio-concretions, build-ups and algal reefs; habitat mapping, conservation and management; CCA as paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic record; the carbonate production of CCA; the calcareous red algae and the ongoing global change; methods and techniques for biological and paleontological investigations.

Course leader
Prof. Daniela Basso

Target group
Participants are expected to possess a Bachelor's degree in Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences, Geological Sciences or equivalent.

Course aim
The school is aimed at providing the basis for: 1) identification, mapping (geoacoustics), and monitoring of CCA-dominated habitats; 2) species identification in biological and fossil material; 3) ecology/paleoecology, and geochemistry of CCA. A full-immersion week with lessons and practical activities, to ground common concepts and improve specific expertise on coralline algae.

Fee info
EUR 400: STUDENTS FEEIt covers tuition, teaching materials and tutoring services. plus 1 ticket and guided visit to EXPO Milan 2015 site. Also includes social and cultural activities program held by Erasmus Student Network Bicocca. EUR 1000: WORKING PROFESSIONAL FEEIt covers tuition, teaching materials and tutoring services. plus 1 ticket and guided visit to EXPO Milan 2015 site. Also includes social and cultural activities program held by Erasmus Student Network Bicocca.

University of Milano-Bicocca
Address: Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1
Postal code: 20126
City: Milan
Country: Italy
Phone: 02 64481