calendar_month 04 Ian 2008, 00:00

Se apropie termenele limita pentru aplicarea la bursele din strainatate in toate domeniile: drept, economie, inginerie, stiinte politice, istorie si civilizatie in cele mai indepartate colturi ale Europei si ale

Programul de Burse Onassis 2008/2009
140 Grants for Doctoral Studies, EUI
Scholarships for master''s program, agricultural economics, Crete
Postdoctoral Fellowships Berlin, Germany
UNESCO/Keizo Obuchi Research Fellowships Programme
PhD Scholarship in Stochastic and Fuzzy Modelling, Auckland
European PhD Programme in Social Protection Policy (ESPP), Maastricht
MA in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Sabanci University, Istanbul
Burse Eiffel pentru master si PhD in Franta etc.

Programul de Burse Onassis 2008/2009

Fundatia Onassis (Grecia) anunta cel de-al 14-lea Program anual de burse educationale si de cercetare pentru straini, care vor incepe la 1 octombrie 2008. Programul se adreseaza membrilor academiilor nationale, profesorilor universitari, cercetatorilor, artistilor, profesorilor delimba greaca din invatamantul primar si secundar, absolventilor de facultate si candidatilor la doctorat.

Data limita pentru depunerea candidaturii: 31 ianuarie 2008

Mai multe informatii:
http://www.onassis. gr/sch_for_ ann.php?lang= en
Pentru informatii suplimentare, adresa de contact este: ffp@onassis. gr
(preluare eurodesk_info)

140 Grants for Doctoral Studies, EUI

The EUI is one of Europe''s leading academic institutions in postgraduate
studies. The Institute is unique in its European, comparative and
interdisciplinary focus, and offers up to four years scholarship to
research students, leading to a doctorate.

Applications are invited for the doctoral programmes in:
History & Civilization
Political & Social Sciences
The Department of Law also offers a one-year LL.M. programme.

Deadline for the receipt of applications: 31 January 2008.
More information is available at http://www.eui. eu/Servac/ Postgraduate/ .
Further inquiries should be addressed to applyres@eui. eu.

(preluare balkans)

Scholarships for master''s program, agricultural economics, Crete

Masters'' programme and Scholarship oportunity

The programme of Business Economics and Management of the
Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (Greece) seeks highly
qualified students for its Master degree. It is an intensive programme
consisting of courses, research work, field and computer laboratory
exercises, combined to provide a career-oriented and tangible
perspective to students'' academic area of interest. Scholarships are
available to eligible qualified candidates.

For more information visit our website at:

(preluare ascig-ase)

Postdoctoral Fellowships Berlin, Germany

Finaid: 10 fellowships available (a monthly stipend of 1.800 ?)
Date: academic year 2008-2009
Deadline: 31 January 2008
Opento: scholars of history, literature, philology, political philosophy, religion and sociology from the Middle East
Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=202, eu,sch

UNESCO/Keizo Obuchi Research Fellowships Programme 2008
Finaid: available
Date: minimum: 3 months; maximum: 9 months.
Deadline: 11 January 2008
Opento: post-graduate researchers
Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=61, other,sch

PhD Scholarship in Stochastic and Fuzzy Modelling, Auckland

Auckland University of Technology PhD Scholarship Software Engineering
Research Laboratory School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences. A
fully funded PhD position is available in the Software Engineering
Research Lab at Auckland University of Technology and applications are
invited from suitably qualified candidates. The scholarship is
tenable for up to four years to support work in the area of stochastic
and fuzzy modelling in the management of software development
projects. Closing date for applications is 26 January 2008.

URL: http://www.azclub. org/?p=20

European PhD Programme in Social Protection Policy (ESPP), Maastricht

The PhD programme in Social Protection Policy (ESPP) trains researchers in social protection and social policy. We focus on a European, multidisciplinary perspective by pooling the resources of eleven top research institutes in nine European Union countries. The supporting institutes are organised in the IsPrit-network, which provides the PhD students with advanced training modules, individual research advice, innovative think-tank activities, academic counselling and supervision.

Information on scholarships:
http://www.governan ce.unimaas. nl/phd/scholarsh ips/phd_scholars hips.html

Further information on the programme:
http://www.governan ce.unimaas. nl/ (and use the menu on the right sideof the page). Also note two vacancies available at the same institution.

MA in Conflict Analysis and Resolution, Sabanci University, Istanbul

The Program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution at Sabanci University in Istanbul, Turkey is accepting applications for the 2008 a 09 academic year. The Conflict Analysis and Resolution Program is the only Mastera s program of its kind in Southeastern Europe, taking a regional lead in training a new cadre of conflict resolution specialists and peacemakers from Turkey and countries around the world. The M.A. Program in Conflict Analysis and Resolution gives students skills to analyze and understand conflict at inter-personal, inter-group and international levels. Different aspects of negotiation, mediation, third party intervention, ethnic conflict, issues related to post-conflict reconstruction, reconciliation, psychosocial aspects of conflict, and media and conflict are core components of the curriculum. The program emphasizes the scholar-practitione r model, providing students with a strong theoretical background as well as means for applying their knowledge to real-world settings. M.A. students in Conflict Analysis and Resolution go on to hold positions in organizations such as the United
Nations Development Programme, Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Google, Citibank, and private mediation consulting firms. They have also successfully pursued doctoral degrees in related fields at a variety of outstanding Turkish, European and U.S. institutions.

For more information, please go to: http://www.sabanciu

Deadline: January 30th is the deadline for early applications and June 1, 2008 is the deadline for regular applications. Financial Support: A limited number of scholarships based on academic achievement are available in the form of partial or full tuition waivers and/or stipends.

Contact: Dr. Nimet Beriker, +90 (216) 483 92 45, beriker@sabanciuniv .edu.

Applicants must have completed their previous degree programs by
September 3, 2008 at the latest.(preluare balkans)

Burse Eiffel pentru master si PhD in Franta

Eiffel excellence scholarships are awarded to high-achieving overseas students to whom French centres of higher education would like to offer a place on a Master''s or PhD course. The courses taken by these students in France ultimately target positions of responsibility in the public or private sector, rather than careers in teaching or research.

The French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs gives priority to candidates from emerging countries (starting with Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and new members of the European Union), though the PhD scholarships also address students from industrialized countries.

Applications from students currently studying outside France will be given priority over those from students already studying in France.

The schedule for the 2008 Eiffel programme is as follows:
Application forms available online: September 2007
Applications to be submitted by 11 January 2008
Results announced in week beginning 24 March 2008

Mai multe detalii aici:

Entrepreneurial Manager scholarships
Nyenrode Business Universiteit, The Netherlands
Finaid: scholarships available
Date: undefined
Deadline: May 31, 2008
Opento: students from any nationality
Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=200, eu,sch

Grants - Postgraduate Studies
European University Institute, Florence, Italy
Finaid: 5 grants of 5000 Euros available
Date: academic year 2008-2009
Deadline: 31 January 2008
Opento: see the official website please
Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=203, eu,sch

Scholarships for Master of Science Programmes 2008/2009
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Finaid: scholarships available
Date: the year 2008/2009
Deadline: January 15th, 2008
Opento: international students
Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=204, eu,sch

Fellowship - Comparative Local Development
Trento, Italy
Finaid: A number of fellowships is offered
Date: three months
Deadline: February, 16th, 2008
Opento: scholars in the following areas: Law, Economics, Sociology and the Political Sciences
Website: http://www.eastchan asp?q=205, eu,sch