Economy and Society Summer School
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
Overcoming the disciplinary division of the economic and the social. Dividing economy from society is also problematic, theoretically, politically and ethically. It is a meaningless generality to say that the %E2%80%98economy%E2%80%99 supports %E2%80%98society%E2%80%99 or that %E2%80%98society%E2%80%99 contains the %E2%80%98economy%E2%80%99. The reality is much more complex. Economic processes, for instance, markets, capital formation, enterprise, production, consumption, working lives, advertising and unemployment are all culturally specific. States are interwoven with the economy, providing monetary supply, regulating and deregulating markets, taxing and spending and managing the population for prosperity %E2%80" howsoever defined. From collective identity to individual life-courses and the formation of complex networks, the rise of institutions and social change, modern society is influenced by economic processes.Economics, Ethics and Morality. The summer school addresses %E2%80%98economic ethics%E2%80%99, both in Weber%E2%80%99s classical sense that cultural ideas shape our practical actions in this world, and that the moral foundations of the economy are a vital contemporary concern. In the light of contemporary and on-going crises, what are our economic ethics today? Is liberal individual freedom sufficient? How far should states intervene? Or has a gulf has opened between economic practices and social norms? Critics suggest alienation, environmental degradation, inequality, hyper-individuation and the loss of meaning emerge from contemporary economic practices. Here, rather than consider %E2%80%98economy%E2%80%99 or %E2%80%98society%E2%80%99 as an assemblage of untameable law-like forces to be palliated by state intervention, the summer school will analyse the %E2%80%98ethics%E2%80%99 underlying contemporary trends, and consider alternative ethics and neglected %E2%80%98moral foundations%E2%80%99.

Course leader
Tom Boland (WIT) Kieran Keohane (UCC)

Target group
The summer school is tailored to the needs of doctoral students in Business and Social Sciences, and aspires to help early stage researchers strengthen and widen their theoretical basis in ways that allows them to position their work amongst broader discourses, extend and sharpen their understanding of their theoretical and empirical practices and to contribute to their formation as independently-minded researchers. The school will be of particular interest to PhD researchers from sociology, politics, anthropology, geography and history on the one hand, and organisation studies, management, marketing, finance and economics on the other.

Course aim
Now in its second year, for five days next May, at Blackwater Castle Ireland, the Economy and Society Summer School will bring together 50 scholars around 20 faculty and 30 business and social sciences PhD researchers for an intensive and convivial residential course dealing with theories, concepts and methods of inquiry.The School is a rich mix of conventional presentations, small group work, student-led seminars & discussions, peer-group presentations & feedback sessions; all arranged to promote discussion and argument around your research and how it fits into the broader themes of the economy and society. To that end, the number of participants is limited to no more than 30 and the cost of participation is kept low.

Credits info
5 ECTS 10 credits for submission of term-paper

Fee info
EUR 300: Flat fee covering 5 nights accomodation, food, entertainment and refreshment.


Waterford Institute of Technology and University College Cork
Address: Schools of Humanities & Business / School of Sociology & Philosophy, AT 103, WIT, Cork Rd. Waterford, Ireland
Postal code: n.a
City: Cork
Country: Ireland
Phone: 353214902836