EMSIG Autumn School 2015
calendar_month 12 Oct 2015, 00:00
Embedded Systems Special Interest Group (http://www.emsig.net/) is together with IDEA4CPS (http://www.idea4cps.dk/), Aalborg University and Technical University of Denmark organizing a five day Autumn School on Embedded Systems. The lectures have been selected to span both embedded techniques and tools as well as system engineering and application aspects. The school will also include presentations from Danish companies that have participated in the ITOS project. The school is targeted both at PhD students (2 ECTS) and people working in industry. The lectures will be given by top researcher within their fields and will touch on the hot topics of:Cyber-Physical SystemsIoTSmart CitiesIndustrie 4.0

Target group
PhD students in computer science

Course aim
Provide overview of new research topics within the field of embedded and cyber physical systems

Fee info
DKK 2230: Covers, participation, lunch all days, dinner one day.,

Technical University of Denmark
Address: DTU Compute, Anker Engelunds Vej 1
Postal code: 2800
City: Copenhagen
Country: Denmark
Website: http://www.ciss.dk/en/emsig2015/
E-mail: ulrik@cs.aau.dk
Phone: +4599409985