Engraving Rome
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
A very special way to discover the secrets of Rome and to learn the ancienttechnique of engraving: we will discover, draw, engrave and finally print themyths and legends hidden in the city. A unique approach to teaching, becausewell%E2%80%99ll learn drawing outdoors and then working in workroom, under theguidance of experienced engravers. The result is enviable: the creation of anartist%E2%80%99s book engraved, printed and bound by hand.
Course leader
He course is managed by teachers of the Quasar Design University and by theartists of the Stamperia del Tevere. They are all masters of high level, withdocumented expertise.
Target group
To attend this course, participants must have a basic ability in drawing; nospecial skills are required. The tools and material are included; the drawings ,the artist's book and the engraved zinc plates will remain to students.
Course aim
Apply the techniques of traditional drawing to outdoors drawing. Realize anartist's book created with engraving and printing techniques.
Credits info
8 ECTS Upon Upon successful completion you will receive a certificate to say you haveattended and achieved a level of attainment expected by our academic staff.If you wish to receive credit, you will need to arrange this with your faculty athome before you attend. QDU can supply module specifications to assist incalculating a credit equivalency. As a guide the summer programme is equivalentto 4 ECTS per week.
Fee info
EUR 0: Course + course materials* + Q-card
Quasar Design University
Address: Quasar Design University, Via Nizza 152
Postal code: 00198
City: Roma
Country: Italy
Website: en.istitutoquasar.com
E-mail: info@istitutoquasar.com
Phone: +39 68557078