Europe 2525 - Twenty Five Years: Evaluating the Past and Forecasting the Future
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
The XX. International Summer University in K%C5'szeg at the Institute for Social & European Studies (ISES) Foundation will take place from 21 June to 3 July 2015.Since 1996, ISES has organized the International Summer University where the annual topic has always been constructed around contemporary European and global issues. This year, the XX. International Summer University focuses on: Europe 2525: Twenty-five years %E2%80" Evaluating the past and forecasting the future.We will discuss topics like Redefinign Central Europe after 20 years. Cultural Heritage Management, Enlargement of Visegrad Countries, Creative Cities, Challenges and Possibilities of Interdisciplinarity, The EU and Jean Monnet projects, Dare to imagine Europe 2035: A New European Narrative, EU Enlargement and Globalization, Balkans, Economic and Political Situatedness, Strategies for European Research Innovation, Social Innovation, Networking, Digital Humanities.
Course leader
Prof. Ferenc Miszlivetz, director of ISES Foundationfor further information please contact:Veronika Raposainternational.relations@ises.huIzabella
Target group
If you are interested in the topics we are covering during the two weeks and you are willing to take part in the converstaions in this beautiful Hungarian town of ours then don't hesitate to apply! BA, MA and PHD students are welcomed from all over the world to spend these two weeks with us.
Course aim
Guest lectures and students are welcomed from all around the world to take part in conversations and presentations surrounding our shared global future and understanding the complexities of present transformations, new partnerships, and growing social and corporate responsibilities.
Fee info
EUR 400: The participation fee of the International Summer University is 400 and covers the cost of tuition, meals (lunch and dinner), field trips, and social and cultural events throughout the entire program.
Students may apply to the Institute for Social and European Studies Foundation for a scholarship. ISES will offer scholarships to MA and PhD students. Scholarships are available for 20 students. When you fill in our Application Form please tick if you wi
University of Pannonia
Address: K%C5'szeg Centre, 14 Chernel Street K%C5'szeg, Hungary
Postal code: 9730
City: K%C5'szeg
Country: Hungary
Phone: +3694563055