European and French Business Economic Environment
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
This course focuses on the Economic issues of the European and French Business Environment. The first objective is to develop and expand knowledge and understanding of the basic drives behind Globalization and its impact on the European and French Economy. The second objective is to acquire an understanding of the economic and social challenges that European Union and the French Society has faced since the start of the public debt crisis.
Course leader
Boris Najman, PH.D. is an associate professor at Department of Economics in Universit Paris Est Crteil and Research Fellow at CASE. He lectured in several Universities, Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, Madrid Carlos III, Belgrade, Sienna, Lille, Versailles-S
Target group
This course is proposed for Bachelor and Master/PhD.
Course aim
Students should be able to understand the main issues and trends in European and French Business Economic Environment and its impacts on education and the job markets. Students will be asked to demonstrate the above outcomes through their participation in class (readings), and a final exam. Emphasis will be placed on the development of analytical skills, critical thinking, and written and oral communication skills.
Fee info
EUR 0: Early bird ( all inclusive ) until 15th March
Universit%C3%A9 Paris-Est Cr%C3%A9teil
Address: 61, avenue du G%C3%A9n%C3%A9ral de Gaulle
Postal code: 94010 Cr%C3%A9teil Cedex
City: Paris- Cr%C3%A9teil
Country: France
Phone: 0033 1 82 69 48 61