Experimental Research
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
This summer school focuses on the conceptual and operational aspects of experimental design. Specifically, the school covers the designs and analyses that are most often used by experimental researchers. Topics include the characteristics of different experimental designs, the manipulation of independent variables, the conditions to maximize internal validity, and the statistical techniques used to analyze experimental data. Program outline:Introduction to experimental design: correlation, causation, experimental vs. descriptive researchLab experiments, field experiments, quasi-experimentsManipulation of independent variables: manipulation checks, confounds, demand effectsModeration and mediation effectsStatistical analysis for experimental data: t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, spotlight analysis, mediation analysisApplications with SPSS

Course leader
Irene Scopelliti, Senior Lecturer, Cass Business School, City University London

Target group
Ph.D. Students in Marketing, Social Psychology, Sociology, Behavioral Economics; Applied Marketing Researchers.

Course aim
At the end of the school participants will be able to test causal hypotheses by designing valid experimental studies and applying the appropriate statistical analyses (e.g., t-test, ANOVA) using SPSS.

Fee info
EUR 850: Application and fee information are available at http://www.egiunical.org/summer-school/summer-school-english/pricing-application.html

University of Calabria
Address: Department of Business Administration and Law, Department of Business Administration and Law, Cubo 3C Campus di Arcavacata, Via P.Bucci, Rende (CS)
Postal code: 87036
City: Rende (Cosenza)
Country: Italy
Website: www.egiunical.org
E-mail: g.miceli@unical.it
Phone: 00390984492162