Fashion in 20th Century Germany
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
Fashion in 20th Century Germany is designed to introduce students to the fashion and textile industry in Germany. The thrust of this course is to understand the social, psychological, economic, and ethical aspects of fashion within German culture and how Germany has influenced world fashion. It is appropriate for beginners and experts in the field of fashion and centers on field trips, site visits and oral presentations.Berlin has a fascinating recent history. In the 20th century alone it saw a successive change of no fewer than five very different types of national governments. It has been destroyed and rebuilt, liberated and occupied, divided and re-unified. The history of Berlin shows the importance of fashion: politically, socially, psychologically, and culturally. Clothing and appearance have been manipulated and controlled by each of the different regimes and governments in order to achieve different goals. Fashion has been used as entertainment, social control, propaganda, and global business ventures. A study of fashion in Germany can only be successfully achieved by experiencing Berlin first hand - where artifacts can be viewed and locations important to the understanding of fashion in Germany visited. We will visit museums and locations that are only found in Berlin to enhance the classroom experience and foster experiential learning.Topics include an introduction to fashion, pre-WWII fashion, Nazi Germany fashion, the effect of WWII on world fashion, and current topics in German fashion. This course is enhanced by site visits to museums and centers of fashion in Berlin.

Course leader
Dr. Andy Reilly

Target group
Students interested in a variety of subjects (psychology, sociology, anthropology, fashion, economics, aesthetics, politics) will find this course provides an innovative way to examine and understand identity, society and culture. Though an interest in fashion will be beneficial, it is not necessary, as this course is designed to introduce novices to an understanding of fashion and its underpinnings.

Course aim
See course description.

Credits info
6 ECTS GRADING Fashion update 10% Zeitgeist boards 20% Ethics debate 20% Consumer report 10% Research presentation 30% Participation 10%

Fee info
EUR 1350: Tuition EUR 250: Program fee

Freie Universit%C3%A4t Berlin
Address: FUBiS, Malteserstr. 74-100
Postal code: 12249
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Phone: +49-30-838 73472