calendar_month 28 Ian 2008, 00:00
Ora 10
Razboi pe calea undelor
Razboi pe calea undelor/Cold Waves Studio - 10:00

Ora 11
Interview Scala - 11:30

Jurnalul unei dadace
The Nanny Diaries Corso - 11:00

Rambo IV
Rambo Patria - 11:00

Ora 12
Alvin si veveritele
Alvin and the Chipmunks Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 12:45

Baiatu'' mamei
Mama''s Boy Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 12:30

Busola de aur
His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 12:30

The Riddle Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 12:30

In slujba regelui Angliei
Obsluhoval jsem anglickeho krale/I Served the King of England Hollywood Multiplex - 12:45

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 12:45

Rambo IV
Rambo Hollywood Multiplex - 12:45

Razboi pe calea undelor
Razboi pe calea undelor/Cold Waves Studio - 12:00

Sub anestezie
Awake Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 12:30

Ora 13
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Aliens vs. Predator 2: Requiem Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 13:15

Bunica-i sefa
Georgia Rule Europa - 13:00

The Riddle Hollywood Multiplex - 13:30

Interview Scala - 13:30

Irina Palm
Irina Palm Hollywood Multiplex - 13:00

Jurnalul unei dadace
The Nanny Diaries Corso - 13:00

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Hollywood Multiplex - 13:15

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 13:15

Plan de joc
The Game Plan Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 13:00

Rambo IV
Rambo Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 13:30

Patria - 13:15

Sub anestezie
Awake Hollywood Multiplex - 13:15

Ora 14
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Aliens vs. Predator 2: Requiem Cityplex - 14:45

Alvin si veveritele
Alvin and the Chipmunks Hollywood Multiplex - 14:15

Bee Movie: povestea unei albine
Bee Movie Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 14:45

Busola de aur
His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass Hollywood Multiplex - 14:30

Comoara Nationala: Cartea Secretelor
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 14:15

Congo river
Congo river, au-dela des tenebres Cinemateca Union - Sala Paul Calinescu - 14:00

Elizabeth: Epoca de aur
Elizabeth: The Golden Age Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 14:30

In numele regelui
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale Cityplex - 14:30

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 14:30

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Cityplex - 14:00

Rambo IV
Rambo CinemaPRO - Piata Universitatii - 14:15

Hollywood Multiplex - 14:45

Razboi pe calea undelor
Razboi pe calea undelor/Cold Waves Studio - 14:00

Seful sefilor
Direktoren for det hele/The Boss of It All Hollywood Multiplex - 14:00

Sub anestezie
Awake Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 14:45

Ultima legiune
The Last Legion Festival - 14:00

Ora 15
Baiatu'' mamei
Mama''s Boy Hollywood Multiplex - 15:15

Bunica-i sefa
Georgia Rule Europa - 15:00

Gangster american
American Gangster Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 15:15

Interview Scala - 15:30

Irina Palm
Irina Palm Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 15:30

Jurnalul unei dadace
The Nanny Diaries Corso - 15:00

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Hollywood Multiplex - 15:30

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 15:00

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Hollywood Multiplex - 15:15

Plan de joc
The Game Plan Cityplex - 15:15

Hollywood Multiplex - 15:00

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 15:15

Rambo IV
Rambo Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 15:30

Patria - 15:30

Sub anestezie
Awake Hollywood Multiplex - 15:15

Ora 16
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Aliens vs. Predator 2: Requiem Hollywood Multiplex - 16:15

Alvin si veveritele
Alvin and the Chipmunks Hollywood Multiplex - 16:15

Baiatu'' mamei
Mama''s Boy Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 16:45

Busola de aur
His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 16:30

Comoara Nationala: Cartea Secretelor
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 16:45

Congo river
Congo river, au-dela des tenebres Cinemateca Union - Sala Paul Calinescu - 16:00

The Riddle Hollywood Multiplex - 16:00

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Cityplex - 16:30

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Cityplex - 16:00

Rambo IV
Rambo CinemaPRO - Piata Universitatii - 16:30

Razboi pe calea undelor
Razboi pe calea undelor/Cold Waves Studio - 16:00

Ultima legiune
The Last Legion Festival - 16:30

Ora 17
Alvin si veveritele
Alvin and the Chipmunks Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 17:00

Bee Movie: povestea unei albine
Bee Movie Hollywood Multiplex - 17:30

Bunica-i sefa
Georgia Rule Europa - 17:00

Busola de aur
His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass Hollywood Multiplex - 17:00

Elizabeth: Epoca de aur
Elizabeth: The Golden Age Cityplex - 17:00

The Riddle Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 17:15

Gangster american
American Gangster Hollywood Multiplex - 17:15

Interview Scala - 17:30

Irina Palm
Irina Palm Hollywood Multiplex - 17:15

Jurnalul unei dadace
The Nanny Diaries Corso - 17:15

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Hollywood Multiplex - 17:45

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 17:15

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 17:45

Plan de joc
The Game Plan Cityplex - 17:30

Hollywood Multiplex - 17:30

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 17:30

Rambo IV
Rambo Hollywood Multiplex - 17:00

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 17:30

Patria - 17:45

Ora 18
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Aliens vs. Predator 2: Requiem Cityplex - 18:30

Hollywood Multiplex - 18:30

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 18:15

Am o slujba naspa rau
I really hate my job Glendale Studio - 18:00

Azur si Asmar
Azur et Asmar Cinemateca Union - Sala Paul Calinescu - 18:00


Jeder siebte Mensch Elvira Popescu - 18:00

Comoara Nationala: Cartea Secretelor
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets Hollywood Multiplex - 18:15

Elizabeth: Epoca de aur
Elizabeth: The Golden Age Hollywood Multiplex - 18:45

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Cityplex - 18:00

Rambo IV
Rambo CinemaPRO - Piata Universitatii - 18:45

Razboi pe calea undelor
Razboi pe calea undelor/Cold Waves Studio - 18:00

Sub anestezie
Awake Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 18:45

Ora 19
Asterix la Jocurile Olimpice
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques Hollywood Multiplex - 19:15

Baiatu'' mamei
Mama''s Boy Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 19:30

Bunica-i sefa
Georgia Rule Europa - 19:00

Comoara Nationala: Cartea Secretelor
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 19:15

Elizabeth: Epoca de aur
Elizabeth: The Golden Age Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 19:15


The Riddle Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 19:30

In numele regelui
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale Cityplex - 19:15

Hollywood Multiplex - 19:30

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 19:00

Interview Scala - 19:30

Irina Palm
Irina Palm Hollywood Multiplex - 19:45

Jurnalul unei dadace
The Nanny Diaries Corso - 19:30

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 19:30

Partida de vanatoare

The Hunting Party Hollywood Multiplex - 19:30

Plan de joc
The Game Plan Cityplex - 19:45

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 19:45

Ultima legiune
The Last Legion Festival - 19:00

Ora 20
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Aliens vs. Predator 2: Requiem Hollywood Multiplex - 20:45

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 20:15

Am o slujba naspa rau
I really hate my job Glendale Studio - 20:30

Clara B
Clara B Elvira Popescu - 20:00

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Cityplex - 20:15

Hollywood Multiplex - 20:15

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Cityplex - 20:00

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 20:00

Plan de joc
The Game Plan Hollywood Multiplex - 20:00

Rambo IV
Rambo Patria - 20:00

Razboi pe calea undelor
Razboi pe calea undelor/Cold Waves Studio - 20:00

Sub anestezie
Awake Hollywood Multiplex - 20:30

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 20:30

Ora 21
Asterix la Jocurile Olimpice
Asterix aux Jeux Olympiques Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 21:30

Comoara Nationala: Cartea Secretelor
National Treasure 2: Book of Secrets Hollywood Multiplex - 21:00

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 21:45

Elizabeth: Epoca de aur
Elizabeth: The Golden Age Cityplex - 21:45

The Riddle Hollywood Multiplex - 21:15

In numele regelui
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 21:30

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 21:45

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Hollywood Multiplex - 21:45

Rambo IV
Rambo CinemaPRO - Piata Universitatii - 21:00
Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 21:30

Sweeney Todd: Barbierul diabolic din Fleet Street
Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 21:45

Ora 22
Aliens vs. Predator 2
Aliens vs. Predator 2: Requiem Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 22:15

Baiatu'' mamei
Mama''s Boy Hollywood Multiplex - 22:15

In numele regelui
In the Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale Hollywood Multiplex - 22:15

Irina Palm
Irina Palm Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 22:15

Legenda vie
I Am Legend Cityplex - 22:15

Hollywood Multiplex - 22:45

Partida de vanatoare
The Hunting Party Cityplex - 22:00

Plan de joc
The Game Plan Cityplex - 22:00

Hollywood Multiplex - 22:45

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 22:00

Rambo IV
Rambo Hollywood Multiplex - 22:00

Sub anestezie
Awake Hollywood Multiplex - 22:30

Movieplex Cinema Plaza Romania - 22:15

Sweeney Todd: Barbierul diabolic din Fleet Street
Sweeney Todd: the Demon Barber of Fleet Street