French language for foreigners : from script to picture novel
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
This course offers to live an international work team experience in a French language. From writing activities with confines, each group will write an original script in order to realize a multimedia picture novel.

Course leader
Guillaume Garon is a French language for foreigner teacher at The Department of French language, culture and institutions (Delcife).

Target group
-To develop writing a script skills and negotiation in a small group (5 to 8 participants for one project)-To improve organizational ability and photograph or actor talent for those who want-to become familiar with multimedia edition

Fee info
EUR 0: Early Bird (all inclusive) until 15th March

Universit%C3%A9 Paris-Est Cr%C3%A9teil
Address: 61, avenue du G%C3%A9n%C3%A9ral de Gaulle
Postal code: 94010 Cr%C3%A9teil Cedex
City: Paris- Cr%C3%A9teil
Country: France
Phone: 0033 1 82 69 48 61