Gender: A Core Concept in Society and Science
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
The Department of Sociology and the Institute for Gender Studies at Radboud University host leading research on gender inequality and dynamics. The course Gender: a core concept in society and science is based on Radboud University%E2%80%99s state-of-the-art research and provides an advanced introduction to gender in social science in a intensive one-week programme. The course will be team-taught by nine faculty members from a range of disciplinary perspectives.An 'advanced introduction'This course is designed as an 'advanced introduction'. It will start with explaining core concepts and approaches in gender studies, but goes beyond introductory textbook knowledge; it introduces a gender perspective, and applies this to contemporary debates in society and science. You will be challenged in thinking very critically about our knowledge, practices and perspectives.Fundamental and applied knowledgeThe first part of the course will give you a fundamental toolkit, necessary for any academic who wants to conduct or understand gender research and gendered processes in society. In two days time, we will discuss core concepts, including sex, gender, sexuality, and intersectionality; how research design can lead to gender biases in research; and what the importance of the historical and political context is for understanding gender dynamics.In the second part of the course, we will apply different types of gender perspectives and theories by discussing several important themes in the social sciences and society: education, work & careers, and politics. Each of these themes are fundamental to societal change and the production and reproduction of gender inequalities.Practical skillsBesides the small group lectures on each of the themes there will be plenty of room for discussion. You will be working on several assignments. Each assignment practices a different skill that belongs to an all-round gender expert, including academic reflection, giving voice, policy advice, empirical research, and debate.The Netherlands and NijmegenThis course will also give you an introduction to the Netherlands from a gender perspective. Many examples will focus on the Netherlands and we will take a gender tour through Nijmegen, the city in which Nina Simone and the mother of Karl Marx once lived. Of course, when we discuss the Netherlands this is often done in a comparative perspective, and we highly value having a diverse group of students so that we can discuss contextual differences and similarities in gender inequalities and dynamics.

Course leader
Dr. N. (Niels) Spierings, Assistant professor in Sociology Drs. C. (Claudia) Krops, Managing director Institute for Gender StudiesRadboud University

Target group
No background in gender studies required A background in the social science is helpful, but not required With a gender studies background, you should still benefit from the advanced level Graduate students who have specialized in gender studies already will mainly benefit if they are looking for more interdisciplinary perspectives and applying both quantitative and qualitative approaches Entry levelBachelor's Advanced Bachelor's Master's PhD

Course aim
After this course you are able to:Explain how sex, gender, sexuality, and intersectionality are different but interrelated concepts Analyse contemporary debates in society and science from a gender perspective Pinpoint and study core aspects of gender inequality in contemporary society Formulate a plan for further developing your gender expertise

Credits info
2 ECTS European Credits

Fee info
EUR 500: The course fee includes the registration fee, course materials, access to library and IT facilities, coffee/tea, lunch, and a number of social activities.Possible discounts10% discount for early bird applicants. The early bird deadline is 1 April 2015 15% discount for students and PhD candidates from partner universities

Radboud University
Address: P.O Box 9102 Nijmegen
Postal code: 6500 HC
City: Nijmegen
Country: Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)24 8187706