Global Health
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
In a globalizing world, health challenges are also transcending national boundaries and becoming more complex. To face up to them, there needs to be a two-way flow of resources, expertise and know-how between developed and developing countries, involving stakeholders from different scientific disciplines. Only a combined learning processes of this kind has the potential to generate effective, innovative solutions to global health issues and to create equitable health systems around the world.

Course leader
Dr. Sorana Iancu

Target group
Students with a science background and an interest in complex health problems in an international context.

Course aim
You gain a critical knowledge of local and global health issues.You can take an interdisciplinary apporoach to health and disease-related problems arount the world.You possess the skills needed to collaborate with peers from different dsciplines.You know how to obtain reliable and critical data to develop a topic for discussion.You possess the skills needed debate topics related to global health.

Credits info
3 ECTS Contact hours: 45

Fee info
EUR 950: Includes orientation and course material. Does not include housing.

The Amsterdam Summer School offers twenty scholarships of 500 for highly motivated students. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is 1 April. Application for the scholarship is part of the general online application procedure.

VU University Amsterdam
Address: Study Abroad in Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1105 Amsterdam
Postal code: 1081 HV
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 5986506