Human Rights and the United Nations: Creating Space for Civil Society to Promote and Protect Rights for All
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
Human Rights and the United Nations: Creating Space for Civil Society to Promote and Protect Rights for All. The course covers the core human rights machinery available to accomplish the aspirations to achieve morality, equity and dignity through a framework for fundamental freedoms. The UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee impetus has resulted in new declarations on important issues in international human rights law. The international human rights institutions rooted in agreed upon instruments creates a growing quasi-jurisprudence in the core 10 human rights tracy bodies. The course will review the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee created to provide expert advice as a think tank to draft and propose specific legal language and declarations to advance human rights. There will be a review of the current studies and the contribution to create a rule of law in the world and also promote culture of human rights through the various studies and declarations.The course will review the expert member committees and the process to review country human rights records as well as the importance of recommendations to realize human rights following a national review by the expert body. There will also be review of the five phases of participation -- preparation, interaction, consideration, adoption and implementation -- for civil society to full engage and demand dignity at the local, national and global level via advocacy campaigns.A historical perspective and how-to practical advice for advocacy creates a dynamic exchange for education tin the program hat provides holistic analysis of the UN human rights charter and treaty bodies dedicated to defend human rights. The course will review the creation of the UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee from the former UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights and its early initiatives to restore the role of providing advice to the 47 members of the UN Human Rights Council and advancing the human rights of people around the planet. The course will also review the core human rights treaty bodies examining one specific convention and the expert committee carrying out the assignment to realize human rights, in this case the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD).Participants will learn about the ability for NGOs to shape the dialogue and strategize for the demanding the recognition of rights through the UN human rights charter and treaty bodies. Significant study will examine the results of creative campaigns to create international human rights instruments that further the advancement of fundamental freedoms in the newly created UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee such as the UN Declaration on Human Rights Education and Training as well as the recent recommendations issued by the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) as well as General Comments that codify developments in international human rights law. Participants will be able focus in-depth on emerging themes in international human rights law and also study human rights situations in specific states from the regions of the world through the UN human rights treaty body review process.The intensive instruction will include direct interaction inside the actual UN Human Rights Council Advisory Committee session allowing participants to observe the daily workings of the think-tank and also organize opportunities for interaction through drafting interventions to share research from the classroom into direct inclusion in the deliberation of the Advisory Committee on various agenda items. The interactive instruction will also allow attendance at the UN Committee on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD) in its review of various states defending their human rights record as well as hearing the voice of civil society participating in official CERD sessions and side events allowing impacting individuals to address the international human rights treaty body.

Course leader
University Post-Graduate Professional Joshua Cooper, University of Hawai'i Political Science Department

Target group
activists, academics, advocates

Course aim
The course covers the core human rights machinery available to accomplish the aspirations to achieve morality, equity and dignity through a framework for fundamental freedoms. The program will review the expert member committees and the process to review country human rights records as well as the importance of recommendations to realize human rights following a national review by the expert body. There will also be review of the five phases of participation -- preparation, interaction, consideration, adoption and implementation -- for civil society to full engage and demand dignity at the local, national and global level via advocacy campaigns.

Credits info
3 ECTS Participants will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the summer school and all necessary documentation to validate the course at their home university.

Fee info
EUR 450: Reduced participation fee for students.Early registration bonus of 100 until the 31st of December.Later registration bonus of 50 until the 31st of January.Group discount of 100 (at least 4 participants).

Address: Favoritenstr. 4-6
Postal code: 1040
City: Vienna
Country: Austria
Phone: 436802349265