ID-UX (Interaction Design and User Experience).
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
: The 1st summer school on Interaction Design & User Experience (ID-UX) is concerned with teaching and experimenting with related concepts, methods, development tools/environments and applications. The related methods are about user research, conceptual and detailed design, and the evaluation of interactive systems from the user perspective. The development tools/environments are about 3D Interactive Environments (Unity 3D), (multitouch) gestures (C#, Windows), and kinesthetic control (Kinect). The applications include scenarios of (serious) games, education, culture and their combined conceptions.
Course leader
Spyros Vosinakis, Assistant Professor of Virtual Reality, University of the Aegean; Panayiotis Koutsabasis, Assistant Professor of Human-Computer Interaction, University of the Aegean;
Target group
Professionals, researchers and late graduate or postgraduate students in engineering, informatics and design, as well as from the aforementioned application areas (games, education, and culture). Some background or experience on programming is desirable.
Course aim
To present and apply contemporary concepts, technologies and methods related to Interaction Design and user Experience.
Fee info
EUR 400: Early bird (21st June 2015). The fees include coffee, light lunch and dinner at the student restaurant for all days of the summer school. EUR 500: Late registration: July 26 2015. The fees include coffee, light lunch and dinner at the student restaurant for all days of the summer school.
University of the Aegean Summer schools
Address: University of the Aegean Summer Schools, University Hill, Mytilene, Lesvos island, GREECE
Postal code: 811 00
City: Aegean islands
Country: Greece
Phone: +30 22510 36171