International Business
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
This course provides an introduction to the nature of international business and the internationalization strategies managers develop to sustain a competitive advantage in a globalizing world. The course includes Lectures and Workshops.Lectures aim to provide students with a broad understanding of the international business environment in which companies operate, comparing the opportunities of entering into foreign markets with the costs and risks involved. The decisions with respect to whether, when, where and how companies should engage in international business are discussed.At the workshops students will be organized in teams. Each team will be required to develop an internationalization project for a company, including the selection of the most suitable new market for the product or service and the development of the market entry strategy. The team chooses one of the challenges presented by our partner companies. Each firm has slightly different expectations and guidelines. Please follow the specific guidelines for each real-life challenge.Topics%E2%80%A2 Globalization and International Business%E2%80%A2 Country differences: political, legal and economic%E2%80%A2 Country differences: cultural and ethical%E2%80%A2 The strategy of International Business%E2%80%A2 Country evaluation and selection%E2%80%A2 Market entry strategies (entry modes)%E2%80%A2 The organization of international business
Target group
Students (undergraduate and graduate) of all areas;Graduates of all areas;
Credits info
3 ECTS Applicants can obtain 3 ECTS, provided they attended all sessions and have obtained approval within the assessment.
Fee info
EUR 500: The fee includes materials, social activities and coffee breaks during morning classes.Fees do not include: Travel costs, accommodation, meals or insurance.Payment must be made before 4th of July, through bank transfer.Refunds and Cancelation: Cancelations before the 4th of July can be made at no cost.
Catholic University of Portugal
Address: Economics and Management, Rua Diogo Botelho, 1327
Postal code: 4169-005 Porto
City: Porto
Country: Portugal
Phone: 00 351 22 6196200