The course will cover the main themes in financial regulation such as theories of finance, securities regulation and banking regulation. It aims to provide a comprehensive and insightful programme on regulation of finance in the international and European dimensions. The course hopes you provide students with an advanced knowledge of the theoretical underpinnings of international financial regulation, understanding of the institutional framework of financial regulation, the main substantial issues of financial regulation and the main aspects of law and regulation concerning the structure, operation and function of financial markets and financial institutions. Part of the course will be devoted to interactive seminars and group presentation on current issues of international regulation of finance.The course aims to cover the following basics of finanical regulation:Part one: Theories, logics and players of the international finance%E2%80%A2 Reasoning, theories and sources of international financial law and regulation%E2%80%A2 The global regulatory architecture%E2%80%A2 The global financial crisis and international financePart Two: Financial Markets: regulation and practice%E2%80%A2 The nature of banks, deposit taking, intermediaries and funds%E2%80%A2 Prudential regulation and Basel II and III%E2%80%A2 Rating agencies, crisis management, solutions to the financial crisisPart Three: The evolution of governance structures in international finance%E2%80%A2 The evolution of global financial governance;%E2%80%A2 "Soft" law and financial regulation;%E2%80%A2 International institutions and financial assistancePart Four: the European dimension of regulation of finance%E2%80%A2 The European response to the financial crisis;%E2%80%A2 Financial regulation law and policy in the EU;%E2%80%A2 The path towards a European Banking Union
Course leaderTBC
Target groupThe course is addressed both to students and practitioners that would like to study or work in the financial and/or the banking sector. The course will include guest lectures from a number of academics and practitioners that study/work in academic institutions, private practice or institutions. It is expected that the content of the course will attract many students as London is a huge hub for banking and financial activities.Level five is usually set at the equivalent of second year undergraduate so there may be an expectation of the students' knowledge and skills in the particular area of study. It is the responsibility of each student to ensure they meet these expectations for any level 5 courses offered as part of the Summer School.
Course aimThe main learning outcomes of the course are to allow the participants:-To have a broad and comprehensive foundation of the laws and the rules governing the various areas of financial market activity;-To Acquire specialist knowledge in the area of financial regulation;-To manage to work with a limited degree of supervision and direction by having a theoretical and practical expertise for assessing the legal environment shaping international financial markets.
Fee infoGBP 1500: tuition fee only
King's College LondonAddress: Strand, London
Postal code: WC2R 2LS
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: +44 20 7848 1533