Learning and Teaching in a Digital World (LATINA)
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
The course provides a broad introduction to the web as a rich and dynamic environment for learning, teaching, multimedia production and digital curation.You will develop your skills and understanding in the field of e-learning and digital documentalism.LATINA is a two part course. The first part is an open online course, while the second part is participation in The HiOA International Summer School.
Target group
The course is aimed at students, teachers, digital documentalists, educational designers and others who want to develop their skills and understanding in the field of e-learning and digital documentalism.
Credits info
5 ECTS 5 ECTS credits for successful completion of the full two-part course. No credits are given for the open online course alone.
Fee info
NOK 3000: All participants in the HiOA International Summer School pay a summer school fee of 3000 NOK. This covers participation, arrival service, welcome packet, social program, excursions, the extracurricular Norwegian Life and Society course, and more. NOK 3500: All participants in need of accommodation pay an accommodation fee of 3500 NOK. The fee cover a private, furnished room, deposit, electricity and internet access by cable.
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HiOA)
Address: Postboks 4, St. Olavs plass
Postal code: 0130 Oslo
City: Oslo
Country: Norway
Website: http://www.hioa.no/summer
E-mail: summer@hioa.no
Phone: + 47 22 45 31 08