Management In Practice %E2%80" Business Simulator
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
The course covers:- strategic management process- characteristics of international business management- business plan preparation- fundamentals of financial statements analysis- business simulation game (%E2%80%9CMarketplace%E2%80%9D)Marketplace Simulation integrates all functional areas of business and enablesstudents to understand how the pieces fit together as a coherent whole. In sixdecision rounds teams choose a business strategy, evaluate tactical options,analyse financial statements and make a series of decisions regardingmarketing, sales, production, human resources management, R&D, andbusiness finance. After each round the students will see how their decisionsaffect the performance of others and the entire organization.

Course leader
dr Anna Witek-Crabb

Target group
Postgraduate group

Course aim
Skills necessary to manage a company:- International strategy creation- Business Plan preparation- Financial statements analysis- Team management- Market analysis- Marketing mix design- Tasks delegation- Negotiation and conflict management

Fee info
EUR 700: Summer School Poland is an intensive study and fun program through which students can earn 8 ECTS credits that may be counted towards their degrees at their home institutions. It's great value for money! The cost of tuition, accommodation, meals and free time activities is only 700 EURO (900 USD)

Wroclaw University of Economics
Address: ul. Komandorska 118/120
Postal code: 53-345
City: Wrocław
Country: Poland
Phone: +48 713680209