One Day Parade
calendar_month 28 Sep 2015, 00:00
Parades are commemorative civic celebrations that mark a special day or event and take the form of a procession, often involving costumes, floats, inflatables and marching bands. Each parade takes a journey through the city and during its performance temporarily transforms its local urban environment.This year the Warsaw Summer School will design, build and perform a parade on the streets of Warsaw. But before the parade can commence, a route must be found, costumes made, a mobile structure built and a performance choreographed.The big finale %E2%80" our %E2%80%98One Day Parade%E2%80%99 %E2%80" will commemorate our collective experience of a single day in Warsaw.The parade is the architecture of the brightly-coloured, light-weight, mobile, temporary, big, elastic, inflatable, expandable, foldable. TIME and MOVEMENT are crucial; the parade must be carefully choreographed and synchronised along the street.
Course leader
Kevin Green, Nina Shen-Poblete, Chris Burman
Target group
This course is open to students of all ages and with varying levels of experience. The course will benefit students wishing to study art, architecture or design at university as well as those who are already involved in further education. Equally the course will provide an introduction to ambitious beginners with no design background.
Credits info
Portfolio - at every stage of the course the student is encouraged to put together a strong portfolio, under the guidance and tuition from the course leaders. Greater design confidence and a strong portfolio are quintessential for those who wish to further pursue their studies or a career in design, art and architecture.
Fee info
GBP 300: The fee includes full tutorial time, the workspace and all materials for the course. It excludes travel, accommodation and food. EUR 425: The fee includes full tutorial time, the workspace and all materials for the course. It excludes travel, accommodation and food.
We are offering scholarships to outstanding students who wish to participate in our courses. Please contact us as soon as possible with your expression of interest.
Address: Schools, 31-32 Alfred Place London
Postal code: WC1E 7DP
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: 0044 7837273094