Organ %C3%A1 la carte
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
A five-day workshop about the most important organs in and around Berlin. Each day is devoted to a major composer in organ history (M. Reger, C. Franck, C.Ph.E. Bach, W.A. Mozart, J.S. Bach, D. Buxtehude), and is focused on an instrument ideally suited to the specific repertoire. Max Reger on the impressive 113-stop Sauer organ of the Berliner Dom and on the historically important and recently restored E. F. Walcker organ of the Heilige-Geist-Kirche C%C3%A9sar Franck on the new symphonic organ of the Pauluskirche in Berlin, whose specification was inspired by the instruments of Aristide Cavaill%C3%A9-Coll Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart on the famous %E2%80%9CPrinzessin Amalia Orgel%E2%80%9D, the instrument for which C.Ph.E. Bach composed four Organ Sonatas Johann Sebastian Bach on the two magnificent organs that Joachim Wagner built for the Marienkirche of Berlin (1723) and for the Cathedral of Brandenburg (1725) Dieterich Buxtehude on the elegant organ built by Rowan West for the Pauluskirche in Berlin, an instrument in which elements of the north-German and middle-German tradition are blended togetherLinks to the organsBerliner Dom:,en/Heilige-Geist-Kirche: (Symphonische Orgel): (Barock Orgel): (Amalien-Orgel): Dom:

Course leader
Leo van Doeselaar studied the organ with Albert de Klerk and piano with Jan Wijn at the Amsterdam Sweelinck Conservatory. After obtaining his solo degrees, he was awarded the Prix d'Excellence in organ. Upon the completion of his conservatory training, he

Fee info
EUR 280: Course Fee EUR 40: Passive Participants (per Day)


Berlin University of the Arts
Address: Berlin Career College, Bundesallee 1-12
Postal code: 10719
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Phone: +49 30 3185 2087