Population Ecology and Population Cycles
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
Finnish population and behavioural ecology is famous for extensive research on population cycles, which characterize northern boreal and subarctic environments. This course has an intense focus on diversity of population cycles and individual faiths in fluctuating populations. The teachers include experts in population ecology in small mammals, insects, vertebrate pests, birds and pathogens, and behavioural and evolutionary ecologists studying individual strategies along density and environmental changes in cyclic populations. The students are encouraged to contribute to the course program with own suggestions, examples or short presentations. The course may include demonstrations and a field excursion.

Course leader
Dr. Janne Sundell (University of Helsinki), Prof. Heikki Henttonen (The Finnish Forest Research Institute), Dr. Pekka Helle (Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute), Dr. Otso Huitu (The Finnish Forest Research Institute), Jani Antila (University of

Target group
All international and Finnish students who are majoring in Biology, especially those with emphasis on Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Limnology, Hydrobiology or Environmental Science, are encouraged to apply to the Jyvskyl Winter School of Ecology.

Course aim
The most important aims of the Winter School are to develop scientific readiness and to offer students the possibility to study in a modern, scientific environment and to create connections to the international science community.

Credits info
1 ECTS 12 ECTS (1 ECTS:, 2 ECTS:, workshop is included this part). Obligatory attendance at lectures. Active participation to the lectures is required to pass the course.

Fee info
EUR 0: Attendance in the Winter School is free of charge, but students are responsible for their meals, accommodation and travel costs. The accommodation and meals are arranged in situ at the research stations.

The Winter School of Ecology is not able to grant any Winter School students financial support. In order to ensure your participation, we recommend that you take steps to secure your own funding, for example, by turning first to your home institution or o

University of Jyv%C3%A4skyl%C3%A4
Address: Faculty of Mathematics and Science and the Department of Biology and Environmental Science, Jyv%C3%A4skyl%C3%A4 Winter School of Ecology, Faculty of Mathematics and Science P.O.Box 35 (YK312), FIN-40014 University of Jyv%C3%A4skyl%C3%A4, Finland
Postal code: FIN-40014
City: Jyv%C3%A4skyl%C3%A4
Country: Finland
Website: www.jyu.fi/winterschool
E-mail: jss@jyu.fi
Phone: +358505818351