Psychology %E2%80" %E2%80%9ESocial Psychology and Organizational Behavior%E2%80%9C
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
Module 1:Social Psychology (week 1 and 2)Humans are social beings; hence, social psychology affects all of us. We constantly think,feel and act not only as individuals but also %E2%80" and sometimes primarily %E2%80" as members ofsocial groupings. Social psychology studies human interaction %E2%80" its forms, causes, consequences and psychological processes. In this course, we will study how human behavior and thinking is influenced by the actual or imagined presence of others. Students will get an overview of social psychological theories and will learn to apply these theories to everyday problems and situations. We will provide a full range overview of social psychology and we will discuss topics such as attribution processes, influence and obedience, attitudes and persuasion, prejudice, aggression and violence, intergroup behavior, prosocial behavior,social rituals as well as attraction and love. The course will comprise lectures, group work,self-assessments and exercises.Textbook: Hogg, M. & Vaughan, G. (2014) Social psychology (7th edition). Boston: Prentice Hall.Module 2:Organizational Behavior (week 3 and 4)Organizations consist of the people who work within them. This course therefore attemptsto build the students%E2%80%99 understanding and skill in leading and managing people and organizations.The objectives of this course are (1) to raise the student%E2%80%98s awareness of the centralityof organizational behavior to understanding organizational functioning and effectiveness;(2) to show how an understanding of human behavior via the disciplinary basis of psychologyprofoundly deepens our analysis of organizations, and (3) to demonstrate the core valueof an understanding of organizational behavior to a manager%E2%80%98s ability to achieve organizational goals. We will provide an overview of organizational behavior and we will discuss topics such as perception and personality, motivation, leadership and decision making, groups and teams, organizational culture and change, and gender and diversity in organizations.The course will comprise lectures, group work, self-assessments and exercises.Textbook: Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A. (2014). Essentials of Organizational Behavior (12th edition). Boston: Prentice Hall.

Target group
requirement: At least one semester of studies, the programme is also open to students of Business Administration, Economics as well as to those of Social or Cultural Sciences

Credits info
8 ECTS you can gain up to 3 ECTS points for the German language course

Fee info
EUR 1800: The fee covers all tuition fees, accommodation, the cultural programme and health, liability and accident insurance.

Students registered at one of our partner universities will receive an attractive discount. Please contact us.

Goethe University
Address: International Office, Gr%C3%BCneburgplatz 1, PEG Postfach 3, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
Postal code: 60323
City: Frankfurt
Country: Germany
Phone: 0049 69798 17247