Remote Sensing for Wind Energy
calendar_month 28 Sep 2015, 00:00
hD Summer School: Remote Sensing for Wind Energy, 15 - 19 June 2015 at DTU Wind Energy, Ris%C3%B8 Campus, Roskilde, DenmarkThis 4.5-day summer school will focus on advances in remote sensing techniques useful in wind energy. The themes to be covered are development, instrument configuration, signal processing, dataanalysis and applications of various remote sensing instruments: SODAR, LIDAR,RASS, ceilometers and SAR among others, both ground- and satellite-basedinstruments. Applied use includes wind resource mapping, wind profiling, powercurve, wind loads, turbulence, and wind turbine control. Theoretical aspects ofscattering and atmospheric boundary-layer characteristics relevant in remotesensing for wind energy will also be covered. Practical experiments willdemonstrate remote sensing methodologies, and advantages and limitations willbe discussed.
Course leader
Charlotte Bay Hasager
Target group
Engineers in Wind energy
Course aim
Remote sensing for wind energy expertise to be gained, theoretical and practical.
Fee info
EUR 250: PhD students EUR 2000: Non-PhD students
Technical University of Denmark
Address: DTU Wind Energy, Frederiksborgvej 399 Roskilde
Postal code: 4000
City: Roskilde
Country: Denmark
Phone: +45 46775014