Seventh call for visiting grants 12 InGRID data centres offer access to data and expertise within the field of inclusive growth, poverty, living conditions, working conditions, vulnerable groups, social policy, ...
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
Apply for research visits to the data expertise centers of FP7 project InGRIDWhat is offered?InGRID offers free-of-charge access to research infrastructures with data sets and expertise within the fields of poverty, living conditions, working conditions, vulnerable groups, policy analysis and statistical quality management in social sciences. This free-of-charge access includes access (between one week and one month) to the data and the necessary support to work with the data (needed know-how, statistical procedures, procedures to obtain access to the data, ...), as well as support with the organisation of travel and accommodation. Further, InGRID will reimburse travel costs and supply for a daily subsistence allowance. It is possible to combine these visits with summer schools or expert workshops of InGRID.Read more @ Visiting grants What research infrastructures and data sets are available?Poverty and living conditionsBIGSSS, CeS & EMPAS - UBremen:The Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences is a joint venture of University Bremen and Jacobs University. More than 100 researchers work within or are associated to one of BIGSSS three thematic fields %E2%80%9CGlobal Governance and Regional Integration%E2%80%9C, %E2%80%9CWelfare State, Inequality and Quality of Life%E2%80%9C, and %E2%80%9CChanging Lives in Changing Socio-Cultural Contexts%E2%80%9C (for a list of researchers and topics see here). Besides thematic input, BIGSSS offers InGRID TNA guests the opportunity and assistance to work with the EU-SILC data and the German Socio-economic Panel (SOEP). Guests are invited to present their work in the BIGSSS Brown Bag and participate in the formal and informal academic life here at University Bremen (coffee break, lecture series, colloquia, etc.).LISLIS Visiting Scholars can get direct access, on-site, to most LIS/LWS microdata.Direct access is intended for projects for which the main access route to LIS/LWS data, the remote execution system, is insufficient, including projects that require intensive graphics or non-standard software. Direct access is conditional on completing a permission form. Visiting scholars are assigned office space and given access to a secure personal computer with office applications and statistical software packages, including SAS, SPSS, and Stata and other software as needed. LIS Visiting Scholars can also, as needed, access the LIS data staff for intensive consultations about the data.T%C3%81RKI-POLCT%C3%81RKI has 30 years' experience of empirical social science research in Hungary. Its background includes research on a wide range of issues related to social stratification, labour markets, income distribution, consumption and lifestyle patterns and attitudes, and it has increasingly focused on market research applications. T%C3%81RKI POLC Data Centre as a research infrastructure provides access to data collections of empirical social research via the T%C3%81RKI Social Science Data Archive (T%C3%81RKI SSDA), including the major longitudinal and cross-sectional data surveys of the Hungarian society.Furthermore T%C3%81RKI provides an opportunity to join/contribute to or learn from previous and ongoing research programs and research and development methods in micro simulation techniques via TARSZIM and the Hungarian part of the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union (EUROMOD).IECM-CEDThe Integrated European Census Microdata (IECM) database provides access to 55 census microdata samples from 16 European countries, supported by corresponding metadata. Visitors will be trained on how to request and analyse census microdataIRISS-C/ICEPS/INSTEAD is a Luxembourgish public research centre under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Its research focus lies in the field of social and economic policy including the spatial dimension. This comprises topics like poverty, inequality, education, social inclusion, employment, unemployment, health, housing and mobility.The CEPS/INSTEAD IRISS infrastructure provides access to major international datasets as well as support for the development of microsimulation models. IRISS is offering InGRID visiting scholarships in 2015 and 2016 only. Research proposals in relation to the summer schools organized by CEPS/INSTEAD will be particularly welcomed.Working conditions and vulnerable groupsCEE (last opportunity)The Research Unit %E2%80%9CDynamics of Organisations and Work%E2%80%9D is a multi-disciplinary research team (economy, sociology, statistics), with an expertise in academic and policy-oriented research at the French and European level on working conditions, quality of working life, organisation of work and organisational change issues. The team also has a strong expertise on the development and use of linked surveys employers/employees. So this unit will provide on-site access to and transfer of user knowledge on the French public data system on work and employment relations, work and health, with surveys like %E2%80%98Conditions de Travail%E2%80%99, SIP (Sant%C3%A9 et Itin%C3%A9raires Professionnels) or SUMER (Surveillance M%C3%A9dicale des Risques). It also includes two linked employer-employee surveys on organisational change and computerisation (COI) and on employment relations (REPONSE).HIVA-KU LeuvenThe unit Work and Organisation of HIVA-KU Leuven is a multi-disciplinary research team, which has a track-record in academic and policy-oriented research at the European level on the issues of working conditions and job quality. During a visit to HIVA-KU Leuven, the visitor is provided access the data of the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) and European Company Survey (ECS). This team has broad experience with working with these European data, and has amongst others been involved in the secondary analysis of the EWCS2010, analysis of the ECS 2005 and 2009 and questionnaire development of the ECS. Further the expertise of this team focuses on organisation of work, quality of work and employment and the creation of indicators related to these topics.AIAS-UvAThe Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Labour Studies (AIAS) is an interdisciplinary research institute of the University of Amsterdam. It is a unique centre on industrial relations, organisation of work, working conditions, wage setting, labour-market inequalities, employment and labour market governance, including research concerning a range of methodological issues related to these topics. AIAS maintains a large portfolio of internationally funded research projects and international data bases and data collections.Social policy analysisCSB-UAVisiting scientists will be given physical access to 1) CSB Minimum Income Protection Indicators data (CSB-MIPI) and 2) the tax-benefit simulations models available at CSB (EUROMOD, STASIM/MOTYFF, MISIM/MEFISTO, %E2%80%A6). The CSB-MIPI dataset provides data on the three main pillars of minimum income protection (minimum wages, social assistance for working age households and guaranteed pensions) for 25 EU member countries and 3 US States. With CSB-MIPI it is possible to analyse, among others, the long-term and cross-national variation in child benefit packages, gross and net social assistance levels, minimum wages and guaranteed minimum incomes for pensioners. The tax-benefit microsimulation models allow evaluating existing tax-benefit policies as well as possible alternatives. Evaluations can be based on model families as well as on representative survey data (notably EU-SILC).ISER - University of EssexISER has a strong tradition in interdisciplinary and quantitative policy relevant research, with a strong expertise on EUROMOD and longitudinal data analysis. At ISER, users can get access to the Understanding Society and British Household Panel Survey datasets and EUROMOD. The British Household Panel Survey (BHPS) began in 1991 and is a multi-purpose study that followed the same representative sample of UK individuals %E2%80" and their households %E2%80" over a period of 18 years. EUROMOD is the tax-benefit microsimulation model for the European Union (EU) that enables researchers and policy analysts to calculate, in a comparable manner and based on EU-SILC micro-data, the effects of taxes and benefits on household incomes for the population of each country and for the EU as a whole. As well as calculating the effects of actual policies it is also used to evaluate the effects of tax-benefit policy reforms %E2%80" actual, proposed or hypothetical %E2%80" and other changes on poverty, inequality, work incentives and government budgets.Statistical quality managementUNIPI-DEMUNIPI offers expertise on model-based small area methods, supporting the study of existing small area estimators and the development of new ones.UNIPI offers support to apply small area estimators to your own data.UNIPI offers support to set up simulations studies for model-based small area estimators.UNIPI offers expertise on the definition and computation of multidimensional poverty indicators, in the framework of the fuzzy approach to poverty analysis.S3RI - SOTONS3RI will provide methodological and practical support for implementing statistical methodologies. Examples include small area estimation and variance estimation under complex sampling designs, non-response analysis and analysis of demographic data. S3RI has expertise in small area estimation (Dr Nikos Tzavidis), variance estimation under complex sampling designs and the analysis of complex survey data (Dr Yves Berger), the analysis and estimation of official statistics data including non-response analysis and the analysis linked survey and administrative data (Prof Li-Chun Zhang). Also a number of colleagues affiliated with S3RI can provide support for the analysis of demographic data.

Course leader
InGRID project:

Target group
What are the conditions for access?Academic researchers (including PhD students), policy practitioners, and others active within the research domains of InGRID, can apply for a visiting grant to access one of the research infrastructures. Applicants must work in an EU Member State or an associated country, and apply for access to a research infrastructure in a country other than their own country or residence. Users can apply individually or in a group. More information about the conditions for access can be found in the terms and conditions. How to apply?Submit your proposal through the online application form. The deadline is 26 July 2015 for selection before by mid September 2015. Visits can start from November 2015 onwards.The timing of the next calls (until April 2016) can be found here.

Course aim
About InGRID?The mission of InGRID is to integrate and innovate existing research expertise within the fields of poverty, living conditions, vulnerability, working conditions and social policy, and to improve the existing statistical methods. The expected common impact of these activities is a better measurement and understanding of vulnerable groups in Europe. The goal is to provide the relevant European scientific community with new and better opportunities to fulfil its key role in the development of evidence-based European policies on Inclusive Growth.

Fee info
EUR 0: no fee

KU Leuven
Address: HIVA - institute for work and society, Parkstraat 47
Postal code: B-3000 Leuven
City: Leuven
Country: Belgium
Phone: 0032 16 32 04 51