Shifting Perspectives: Europe and the Americas
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
Students will deal with the relevance and effect on global affairs of Europe/EU (emphasis on South Eastern Europe) and beyond by attending the offered morning and evening lectures, panel discussions, and participating in one of the following modules in the afternoon:1. Politics & Law2. Media, Society & Culture3. Ethics & Economics4. State, Society & Religion5. Literature of Transformation6. Aging and the Life-Course7. History & Power

Course leader
Academic Director: Prof. Roberta Maierhofer

Target group
The Graz International Summer School Seggau is designed for internationally oriented, highly motivated students from all disciplines, who wish to deepen their understanding of current European and International affairs by studying and discussing global developments and challenges within the context of transformation processes and demographic change reflecting aspects of individual, social, political, religious, cultural, literary, regional, economic, cohort and national identities.

Course aim
Interdisciplinary co-operation of teachers and students on the cultural, intellectual and historical dimensions of current European and International affairs in view of their positioning in a globalized world.Presentation in research and teaching of focus areas of the University of Graz South Eastern Europe and North, Central and South America.Development and education of young leaders of tomorrow in the fields of politics, administration, business, science, culture andreligion.

Credits info
6 ECTS Participants will receive a certificate of participation at the end of the summer school. Please note that this only confirms the participation and cannot be used for credit transfer.Students who wish to receive the 6 ECTS credits are required to participate in the full program AND to write a seminar paper. Instructions about the procedure will be distributed throughout the course of the summer school. Once students have received a positive grade, transcripts will be sent to them. These transcripts can be used to obtain credit at the home institution.

Fee info
EUR 1300: The total student participation fee is EURO1.300,-- covering course costs, tuition androom & board for the entire two weeks. Scholarships are available and will be awardedupon nomination for the program. Travel Arrangements have to be made and paid forindividually.

Various scholarships and special arrangements are available. To find out more, please visit the webpage of the summer school:

University of Graz
Address: Universitaetsplatz 3
Postal code: 8010
City: Graz
Country: Austria
Phone: +43 316 380 1242