The Bible in the Syriac Tradition (I) and Reading the Bible in Amsterdam (I &II)
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
In this unique course, experts from VU University Amsterdam and guest lecturers provide you with a comprehensive introduction to key aspects of Syriac Christianity. These include its origins and its complex theological relationships with emerging Islam and with Western and Eastern Christianity, as well as its difficult existence in today%E2%80%99s Syria. In the latter part of the course, still to be finalised as the situation unfolds, you address the impact of current events there. Meanwhile, interaction with the Syriac community in the Netherlands offers you the chance to experience Syriac Christianity as a living religion.
Course leader
Prof. Wido van Peursen
Target group
Students of Religious Studies, History, Social Sciences, Theology, Divinity, Classics and Philosophy. Also people involved in NGOs and GOs.
Course aim
You will gain a broad understanding of the most significant characteristics of Syriac Christianity, its history and theology.You will learn about the relationships between Syriac Christianity and other forms of Christianity and Islam.You will understand the complex interaction between continuity and transformation in the process of identity-formation in the case of Syriac Christianity.
Credits info
2 ECTS Contact hours: 25
Fee info
EUR 475: Includes orientation and course material. Does not include housing.
The Amsterdam Summer School offers twenty scholarships of 500 for highly motivated students. The deadline to apply for a scholarship is 1 April. Application for the scholarship is part of the general online application procedure.
VU University Amsterdam
Address: Study Abroad in Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1105 Amsterdam
Postal code: 1081 HV
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands
Phone: +31 20 5986506