Understanding Global Governance
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
This course will explore issues related to global governance and international politics. Students will be immersed in the international world of Geneva as they pursue an interdisciplinary program that will provide them with a truly global perspective on current affairs. Topics to be explored include: globalization and theories of international relations, actors and patterns of global governance, global governance, multilateralism and international organizations, international law in the age of global governance, WTO and internationalization, among others.This summer school is entitled %E2%80%9CUnderstanding Global Governance%E2%80%9D because the term %E2%80%9CGlobal Governance%E2%80%9D needs to be explored deeply for a better understanding of its meanings, patterns, prospects, features, and limits. The aim of the course is to provide students with a clear understanding of current global affairs and means of governance taking place on a global scale. The challenge, in the words of James N. Rosenau, is to search for order in disorder, for coherence in contradiction, and for continuity in change. It is to look for authorities that are obscure, boundaries that are in flux, and systems of rule that are emergent. And it is to discern powerful tensions, profound contradictions, and perplexing paradoxes. The task is that difficult because never before has change come so rapidly, on such a global scale, and with such global visibility as it has been described by the Commission on Global Governance. Globalization, global governance, global civil society, global law, expansion of human rights, global democracy, emerging regional groups and so on. These terms, concepts, changes and developments are the products of phenomenons such as the expansion of technologies, increasing interconnectedness between people and places, creation of informal and contemporary governance mechanisms in local, regional and global scale, rising influence of non-governmental organizations in world affairs, multiplication of international courts and tribunals, recognition of human rights and democratic principles. In parallel to traditional diplomacy between national players, all of the activities of these emerging players of global affairs are being carried out today in Geneva. In combination with exposure to the activities and institutions of global governance taking place in this city, the course will explore the theoretical underpinnings of global governance, its existing paradigms, mechanisms, and actors, and the frontiers in its future development.

Course leader
Professor Nicolas LevratDirector, Global Studies InstituteProfessor, Faculty of Law, University of Geneva

Target group
Upper year undergraduates and MA students with an interest in current affairs and global issues.

Credits info
6 ECTS Each summer school will indicate its equivalence in ECTS credits in its description. Participants will be provided with a Certificate of Completion of the course if they satisfy attendance and evaluation requirements. It is the participant's responsibility to verify the validity of the course and validate it at their home university prior to participating in the course.

Fee info
CHF 2300: Tuition fees do not include housing and travel.

A limited number of competitive excellence scholarshis are available.

University of Geneva
Address: Blvd du Pont d%5C'Arve 40 R 050
Postal code: CH-1211 Geneva 4
City: Geneva
Country: Switzerland
Website: http://genevasummerschools.ch/
E-mail: gss@unige.ch
Phone: +41 22 379 80 90