univie: summer school - European and International Studies 2015 (Law, Political Science, Economics, History, Cultural Studies)
calendar_month 29 Iul 2015, 00:00
The univie: summer school %E2%80" European and International Studies takes place in the picturesque village of Strobl in the Salzkammergut region, one of Austria%E2%80%99s most attractive summer vacation areas. Students and faculty are accommodated in high standard single and double rooms at the program%E2%80%99s beautiful summer campus on the shore of Lake Wolfgang.The four week program offers high level European Studies courses and the Austrian Arbitration Academy in the morning and German language courses in the afternoon.The European Studies courses are held in English and focus on Europe and the European Union. They cover political, economic and legal, but also historical and cultural aspects of the multiple transformations the continent is currently undergoing.The Austrian Arbitration Academy focuses on international dispute settlement by arbitral tribunals.Each course includes two interdisciplinary evening seminars. The program thus offers a concise and up to date introduction to recent developments in Europe which will provide students from different fields of study with additional key qualifications for their future professional work.The academic courses are taught by distinguished scholars with international teaching experience. The faculty consists of tenured professors from the University of Vienna as well as professors from other renowned universities and leading experts from institutions such as the Austrian Central Bank and the EU.In addition to the academic program, German Language courses are offered at four different levels of proficiency.The unique Strobl experience is enhanced by an extensive extracurricular program including sports courses (windsurfing and tennis), mountain hiking, and excursions to Salzburg, St. Wolfgang and the Ebensee Concentration Camp Memorial.The campus life creates an environment which encourages intercultural and social exchange and favors mutual understanding within the international student population. Participants thus broaden their horizon, meet colleagues from different fields of study, make friends for life and build connections for their future professional careers. The alumni network of former Sommerhochschule participants enables students to stay in touch even long after their stay in Strobl.
Course leader
Director: Franz-Stefan Meissel; Faculty: Nikolaus Forg, Ernest Gnan, Verena Krausneker, Ursula Kriebaum, Sylvia Kritzinger, Claudia Kwapil, Andrea Lenschow, Werner Neudeck, Oliver Rathkolb, Bernhard Schima, Andreas Schloenhardt, Karl Vocelka;
Target group
Undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate students as well as university graduates.
Course aim
The summer School provides a multidimensional survey of the present development of Europe and the European Union. Participants will study both the decision making processes within the EU institutions as well as various aspects of European political culture. The program aims at contributing to an increased understanding of the EU and its possible future.The intercultural dimension provided by the summer program's internationally diverse student population has become one of the most rewarding features of students' learning experience.Today, more than 30 different nationalities are represented in the student body, up to 100rnstudents accepted into the program, creating the conditions most conducive to intercultural and social interaction. The Sommerhochschule's formula of holistic learning intellectual pursuit and physical exercise in a setting of intercultural and social exchange helps reinforce mutual respect and tolerance among participants.
Credits info
9.9 ECTS Students can earn 12-20 ECTS credits during the International Summer Program. Depending on the courses they attend. Students who attend and complete four courses will receive the SHS Diploma in European Studies.
Fee info
EUR 1800: Sommerhochschule fees are 1,800 which include registration, tuition, use of all sports and recreational facilities (including tennis and windsurfing lessons), and all planned excursions. EUR 1335: An additional fee for room and board on campus will be collected by the Sommerhochschule for the host institution (Bundesinstitut fr Erwachsenenbildung). This fee includes accommodation and full board (breakfast, lunch, dinner) for the four week program.Accommodation in a single room: 1,635Accommodation in a double room: 1,335
A limited number of partial scholarships for the International Summer Program ranging from 300 to 2,400 is offered every year. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of academic excellence and financial need.
University of Vienna
Address: IUW GmbH - University of Vienna, University Campus Alser Str. 4/Hof 1/Tuer 1.16
Postal code: 1090 Vienna
City: Strobl
Country: Austria
Website: http://shs.univie.ac.at/shs
E-mail: sommerhochschule@univie.ac.at
Phone: +43-1-4277-24131