How does every new generation stake its claim? How is that claim defined in and by literature? This course examines literary representations of youth cultures in Germany from the late 1700s through the present day. Looking at a range of authors, epochs, and genres, we explore a variety of youth cultures through literature and film, from Goethe%E2%80%99s Werther (1774), an infamous book that was accused of encouraging copycat suicides, to Helene Hegemann%E2%80%99s notorious club-culture novel, Axolotl Roadkill (2009). We look at how younger generations define themselves against the mainstream culture and the culture of the previous generations. We explore how members of a generation create connections with each other, and how they construct identity and meaning. In addition to examining representations of youth cultures within literature, we also explore the culture surrounding these works as we investigate to what extent they helped define the category of youth at the time of their publication. Many of the works we study were banned for provocative or explicit material, and this will form a large portion of our discussion of their reception. This course introduces students to German literary classics as well as contemporary literature. All works are read in English translation. We will also visit archives and museums in Berlin to broaden our understanding of the materials we study.
Course leaderDr. Mara Taylor
Target groupThis course is open to all. Knowledge of German literature is welcomed, but not necessary.
Credits info4 ECTS Grading Participation 20% Online Journal Entries 50%:- Completion of daily entries before each class 10%- Completion of self-assessment in week two 10%- 2 graded entries (selected by student) 20% Final Project (Essay or Creative Project) 30%:- Essay includes an academic paper(25%) and a class presentation (5%)- Creative Project includes creative work (15%), class presentation (5%), and a letter of reflection (10%)
Fee infoEUR 900: Tuition EUR 250: Program fee
Freie Universit%C3%A4t BerlinAddress: FUBiS, Malteserstr. 74-100
Postal code: 12249
City: Berlin
Country: Germany
Phone: +49-30-838 73472