Institutul Universitar European (IUE) propune un curs de studii de minimum doi ani destinat titularilor de diploma universitara care le permite prepararea doctoratului. IUE desfasoara activitate de cercetare intr-o perspectiva europeana (cercetare

Department of Politics and European Studies (DPES) in Olomouc ranks among the top research and educational institutions in the field in the Czech Republic. It offers complete academic formation focused on political science, European affairs and

PhD Project - Particulate formation and minimization from bio-diesel engines Combustion and Harmful Emission Control Research Centre Department of Chemical Engineering A 3 year PhD position on the above mentioned topic is open at the CHEC

The Centre for International Business Law (CIBL), a research centre at Department of Law, at Aarhus School of Business (ASB), University of Aarhus, is advertising one PhD fellowship available as at January 1, 2008 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The doctoral Program engages students in a systematic analysis of the functioning of markets and industries in a global context, with a specific focus on comparative institutional studies and competition policy, as well as the impact of

The Asia Research Institute is pleased to offer Ph.D. research scholarships from August 2008 in the following interdisciplinary areas: - ASIAN MIGRATION - RELIGION & GLOBALISATION IN ASIAN CONTEXTS - CULTURAL STUDIES IN ASIA - COLD WAR IN ASIA -

The 3 positions are funded for four years by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) to complement the team of biologists who investigate the molecular mechanisms that regulate critical functions of TGFa1 in vascular biology and

Applicants are sought for a fully funded EPSRC PhD studentship to be held at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UCL and HR Wallingford (www.civeng. ucl.ac.uk ; www.hrwallingford. co.uk). The project will involve numerical

Applications are invited for a PhD studentship funded for three years by the MATCH collaboration at the University of Birmingham, Department of Public Health and Epidemiology. First supervisor: Dr Russell Bowater; Second supervisor: Mr Alan Girling

SAP is the world`s largest inter-enterprise software company and the world`s third-largest independent software provider overall. SAP Research studies emerging IT trends and deploys new technologies in reallife environments to determine their