calendar_month 12 Iun 2008, 00:00
Program Overview:
UTS has achieved accreditation from AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and is now part of an elite group that makes up less than 10 percent of the world''s business schools.

The UTS:Graduate School of Business (GSB) responds proactively to the current workplace environment. Industry advisory committees regularly review our courses for relevance to make sure they keep pace with change and match studentsa professional and practical skills with what employers need. .
Our MBA is designed for those who desire a head start in their career as a generalist or specialist manager and want a competitive advantage in the work place. This programis distinguished by its practical, vocational orientation and by the flexibility of the course design. .
The GSB allows you to choose 50 percent of your MBA subjects from a vast range of electives so you candesign your MBA to match your employment aspirations. .
A graduate of UTS is equipped for ongoing learning in the pursuit of personal development and excellence in professional practice.

Study Mode: Full Time, Part Time,
Flexible study modes, Full-time Part-time day and night classes

Program Locations: Sydney

Fees Australian: AUD$39,840

Fees International: AUD$41,400

Program Specialisations:
Arts management, Banking, Business administration, Business information technology, Business law, E-Business, E-marketing, Engineering management and policy, Facility management, Finance, General management, Human resource management, International business, International marketing, Management consulting and change, Managing international and community development, Marketing, Organisational learning and change, Professional accounting, Project management, Property development, Sport management, Strategic information technology, Strategic management, Tourism management, Urban estate management, Value chain management

Total Units: 16 subjects. 8 are compulsory, 8 are electives.

Core Units: accounting, economics, managing people, marketing, financial management, human resource management, organizational analysis and design, strategic management

Assessment Method: Essays; Reports, Projects, Case Studies; Examinations

Entry Requirements:

A UTS recognised degree plus one of the following:
-GMAT overall score of 550 & minimumscores of verbal 25, quantitative 35& AWA 4.0, OR
- GPA of at least 2.75 out of 4.0 (with at least90% of all subjects with marks over 50)
Students whose prior education was not conducted in English are required to meet one of the following minimum Englishlanguage requirements:
- An IELTS score of 6.5 overall with 6.0 inwriting, OR
- A TOEFL (paper based) score of 575 withTWE 4.5, OR
- A TOEFL (computer based) score of 231with an essay rating 4.5

Credit Past Study: Graduate Certificate in Business Administration; Graduate Diploma in Business Administration

Commencement Dates:
The academic year is divided into two main Semesters a Autumn semester (End of February to early June) and Spring semester (End July toDecember). Summer School programs (December to February) offer the opportunity to undertake limited/selected subjects

Completion Time Comments: Normally two years full-time, or fouryears part-time. Completion time may beaccelerated by undertaking intensive modesubjects in Summer School programs.

When Held: Day and night classes

Application Deadline: Applications may be submitted at any time throughout the year but should be received at least four weeksprior to the start of semester.

Contact Address:
Haymarket Student Centre
Graduate School of Business
University of Technology Sydney
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007

Phone: +61 2 9514 3660

Fax: + 61 2 9514 3554

Email :

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