Managerii se pot specializa in domeniu datorita ofertei variate de programe existenta pe piata, cele mai cautate dintre acestea fiind disponibile in Elvetia, Franta sau Anglia. Potrivit unui top al celor mai bune MBA-uri din Europa, Universitatea
Despre program: Programul este structurat in 14 module, un modul este parcurs intr-o luna, iar cursurile se desfasoara in perioada weekend-urilor, mai exact vineri, sambata si duminica la sediul Camerei de Comert a Romaniei. Pogramul acopera patru
Informatii despre program si admitere Programul este structurat pe doua etape. Se poate intra in prima etapa fie prin cursul Diploma Profesionala in Management (curs in limba romana, de 12 luni), in cazul in care candidatul este posesorul unei
Din ce in ce mai multi tineri romani aleg sa isi intregeasca educatia cu un M.B.A (Master of Business Administration). Datorita societatii competitionale in care traim, dar si pentru ca aceast titlu academic face diferenta dintre un manager si un
Admitere 2008 Avantajele programului MBA Programul MBA Romano - Canadian ofera intr-un mediu organizat si profesionist cursurile de perfectionare care desavarsesc pregatirea cursantilor, oferindu-le oportunitati nebanuite dupa absolvire. Vei
Program Overview: The MBA Program is an inter-disciplinary and practical course that allows you to apply knowledge gained from subjects to bridge the gap between classroom learning and the business world. All core subjects are taught by industry
Program Overview: The Sydney MBA is a high quality generalist management degree. It is an ideal postgraduate program for any individual seeking to gain a greater depth and understanding of the core functions of management and business
Program Overview: UTS has achieved accreditation from AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) and is now part of an elite group that makes up less than 10 percent of the world''s business schools. The UTS:Graduate School of
Program Overview: The MBA is designed to provide students with a range of analytical, strategic, cross-cultural and leadership skills, and is taught using a variety of learning and assessment strategies. The program offers a grounding in fundamental
Program Overview: The UNE MBA was designed as a distance program drawing on the fifty year history of excellence in distance education provided by UNE. It aims to provide an excellent grounding in management for students in a flexible delivery mode