Business and Hotel Management School, Switzerland

calendar_month 23 Sep 2013, 00:00
Switzerland is a famous study destination for students who wish to start a career in the hotel and tourism industry. For international students there are several schools offering similar programs in Switzerland. Due to the fast trace education and the very high quality, BHMS offers tailor-made courses, which give students the opportunity to start an international career.
The BHMS facilities are located in the heart of the beautiful city of Lucerne, one of the most visited cities in Switzerland. Living and studying in the heart of the city enables students to enjoy the urban qualities as well as the charm of this great city. For more information visit:
Bachelor of Arts in Hotel and Hospitality Management
BHMS, together with The Robert Gordon University, offers a bachelor degree which can be completed within three semesters a six months. Every semester is followed by a paid internship of 4-6 months which is fully organized by BHMS. Due to this perfect blend of theory and practice graduating students are not only equipped with a world class degree but also with the relevant working experience.
Associate Degree in Culinary Entrepreneurship
This 3 years program is designed for students who wish to start a career as a chef in a hotel or restaurant kitchen. Some of our culinary students also go into food production management or culinary education. At BHMS Switzerland we are offering diploma, advanced diploma in culinary management and Associate Degree in Culinary Entrepreneurship.
All 6 months courses are followed by a 4-6 months paid industry training.
Students who wish to obtain a Bachelor in Food and Culinary Arts may do this at the University of Brighton where they get 100% credits transfer and can complete their BA within one year full time study upon completion of Advanced Diploma.
MBA Programs in Switzerland
BHMS offers in conjunction with the City University of Seattle two exiting MBA programs. You may choose between a MBA in Global Management or a MBA in Hospitality Management. This 18-24 months MBA Degree is a joint program between BHMS Switzerland and City University of Seattle, USA. This course is designed for graduates holding any kind of Bachelor Degrees and are planning to start a career in the global tourism industry or the service sector.
The program has two study blocks of 6 months and each one is is followed by a paid internship period of 6 months in Switzerland.
Post Graduate Diploma in Hotel Management (PGD)
This is a perfect course for working professionals already in the service industry or for people who would like to make a career change. If you would like to boost your career, this is just the program for you. During this 6 months course we will bring you on a high, professional level form where you can take it to the next step in your career. After this you may do an internship in a Swiss Restaurant or Hotel during 6 months which gives you an international working experience. Once successfully completed you should be able to join the industry at a higher position.
Assured Internship & Graduate Placement
Industry training is an integral part of the study program at BHMS. During every academic year, students are required to carry out a 4-6 month industry training period in a hotel or a restaurant approved by BHMS. In addition, BHMS works with numerous international placement agencies that specialize in placing graduated students in Europe, Australia, Asia and North America. A Career and Placement Counselor assists students with placements in hotels and restaurants in Switzerland and abroad.