calendar_month 14 Dec 2007, 00:00
We educate for careers and for life, transforming potential into long-standing achievement, creating exciting opportunities and giving our students the confidence to achieve their goals. We are committed to teaching excellence, with lecturers who have real-world experience and strong ties both to seagoing careers and on shore industry.
By implementing the Bologna Process, we have defined at first objectives and professional competence for the degrees offered. Curricula ensure students and academicsa mobility throughout Europe and the world.
Romanian maritime higher-education goes back to 1972. In 1990, during the sweeping changes brought about by the Romanian Revolution, the Merchant Marine Faculties split from the navy and founded the Merchant Marine Institute of Constanta. In 2000 the name of the institution was changed into Constanta Maritime University and it is the sole institution legally empowered to train students for the maritime and shipping industry.
During the month of May 2006 BVQI recertified the university for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, certification of compliance with standards for the environment.
Proof of quality of educational standards is the university national and international affiliation: IAMU Member (International Organization of Maritime Universities) IMO consultative status, IMLA (International Maritime Lecturersa Association) member. BSUN ( Black Sea Universities Network) member since 1998.
CMU was audited by the European Maritime Safety Agency, and it is under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Naval Authority on the White List of providers of higher education graduates, certified for managerial level.
University Campus Headquarters:
Total surface: 9, 720 sqm.
Latest Complete Overhaul : 2004- 2006
Accommodation facilities for 580 students in two hostels
Rehabilitation Repairs during 2005-2006
Nautical Center for Training and Sports
Teaching staff
68 academics, 35 Ph. Ds in 5 different doctoral fields of studies :
14 Professors
13 Assistant Professors
25 Lecturers
13 Assistants
3 Tutors
Visiting professors
8 Professors from Polytechnics University of
12 Professors and 5 Assistant, Professor from Academy of Economic Sciences
19 Instructors and trainers for IMO compulsory
courses at the Certification Department
professionals and practitioners
Bologna Process
Consequences of implementation
Ojectives and professional competence for the three professional cycles were redefined.
Curricula and programmes were devised according to new concepts thus ensuring the studentsa and academicsa mobility.
14 Masteras Studies under different stages of setting up and validation.
Distribution of fundamental, profile, specialty and complementary subjects was revised:
Fundamental subjects (FS)
Profile subjects ( PS)
Specialty subjects (SS)
Complementary subjects ( CS)
CMU curricular tracks derive from exigencies of maritime industry
During 1990 a 2007 maritime industry and related activities have undergone a series of changes and a new approach regarding graduatesa knowledge, skills and competence was devised
The university was able to identify gaps in its educational offer and during 2004- 2007 extended its 3 traditional tracks with another 3 complementary fields.
By adding training courses for employees of maritime industry and expertise for companies working in the field, the university responds to the market demands in about 96%.
Romanian maritime higher-education goes back to 1972. In 1990, during the sweeping changes brought about by the Romanian Revolution, the Merchant Marine Faculties split from the navy and founded the Merchant Marine Institute of Constanta. In 2000 the name of the institution was changed into Constanta Maritime University and it is the sole institution legally empowered to train students for the maritime and shipping industry. During the month of May 2006 BVQI recertified the university for ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, certification of compliance with standards for the environment. Proof of quality of
educational standards is the university national and international affiliation: IAMU Member (International Organization of Maritime Universities) IMO consultative status, IMLA (International Maritime Lecturersa Association) member. BSUN ( Black Sea Universities Network) member since 1998.
CMU was audited by the European Maritime Safety Agency, and it is under the jurisdiction of the Romanian Naval Authority on the White List of providers of higher education.
Adresa: Mircea cel Batran, 104, 900663 CONSTANTA
Telefon: 40-241/664740
Fax: 40-241/617260
Web: http//