Daca in trecut competitia era mare in domeniile Drept, Jurnalism si Limbi Straine, in ultimii ani situatia s-a schimbat. Tinerii opteaza pentru universtati care au in programa specializari in IT, medicina, marketing&management, electronica sau

Cat costa studiul in Marea Britanie? Daca sunteti interesat sa studiati in Anglia, Scotia, Irlanda de Nord sau tara Galilor, atunci unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri de luat in considerare este cat costa totul. Acest ghid esential descompune

Become a marketing expert. Succeed in a world without borders. If becoming an expert in Marketing to pursue a successful career is your goal, you now have the unique opportunity to achieve an internationally renowned postgraduate degree from one of

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen din Olanda introduce un nou program international de master in Inginerie. Programul Sensor System Engineering are durata de un an si pregateste studentii pentru o cariera internationala in interfata

With a well established reputation as a forward thinking and modern university, the University of Northampton offers a high quality university experience, well-structured courses and top quality teaching within a friendly and supportive environment.

Switzerland Switzerland is a famous study destination for students who wish to start a career in the hotel and tourism industry. For international students there are several schools offering similar programs in Switzerland. Due to the fast trace

International University College About 1000 students from 30 countries study at International University College in Bulgaria. Dobrich, Varna and Sofia. BACHELOR DEGREE PROGRAMMES in collaboration with Cardiff Metropolitan University, UK BA (Hons)

Traditie si excelenta stiintifica, Calitate si performanta in invatamant, Larga deschidere europeana si mondiala Istorie si principii VUB este ramura flamanda a Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), fondata in 1834. VUB este o universitate

Vrei sa inveti cum poti sa influentezi perceptia celor din jur intr-un mediu concurential, in afaceri? Vino sa participi la crash-course-ul organizat de HAN University din Olanda in colaborare cu INTEGRAL Programe Educationale ce va avea loc vineri,

The QS Top MBA list 2012 has placed European University in the Top 40 European MBA programs out of a total of 200 top business schools worldwide. The QS ranking holds a prestigious place in university rankings, as it is based on the levels of