TCD: first in Ireland to join iTunes U in the iTunes Store

calendar_month 01 Mar 2011, 00:00
Trinity College Dublin is the first university in Ireland and one of the first in Europe to launch its own iTunes U site. The site features free access to audio and video files on course material, public lectures, presentations and highlights of College life. Trinity College Dublin on iTunes U was launched at the beginning of June 2008 as part of Apple's expansion of iTunes U. It now features institutions in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand.
The teaching impact of this project will include: delivering easy 24 hour access to educational material; distance learning; providing aide-memoirs for students; pre-recording lectures to make them available prior to the actual lectures thus making them more discussion based; and supplementing lectures given during core contact hours.
Among the public lectures available for downloading are award-winning investigative reporter, Seymour Hersh; scientist and broadcaster, Prof Robert Winston; renowned Indian author, Anita Desai; and The First Minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond, MSP. People who download podcasts to their computer can transfer them onto mobile devices. This allows students to engage with the content when and where they choose, whether it is at home while studying or commuting on the bus or train.
Visit Trinity College Dublin on iTunes U in the iTunes Store here
This information was supplied by Education Ireland.