calendar_month 21 Nov 2007, 00:00
ESN Bucharest is proud to announce its 1st photography contest. This years’ theme is “Discover Romania!” and its aim is to see Romania through foreign and Romanian students’ eyes.

Join us and help us combat visual stereotypes associated with Romania, Romanian people and cultural backgrounds. Do you have a stunning photo? Well, dig it out and send it to us: photo_contest@esn.ro

Participants may submit up to three entries and should include a description of maximum 50 words. Entries should include the photographer’s name, as well as the photo’s title, date and location. Three finalists will be selected depending on the originality, composition and technical execution. But most of all, the image should express beauty and/or strangeness, so as to urge viewers to want to learn more about the place or the people in the photo.


- All entries must be received by Saturday, 1st of December. The awards will be given on 6th of December, on St. Nicolas Day, so prepare your boots!


- The contest is open to everyone, professional and amateur photographers alike. You may submit maximum three (3) entries taken at any time.

- You must have the right to grant ESN unlimited use of the image, and you must agree that the image will become public domain. Moreover, the image must not have been previously published.

- The file should be named according to the pattern: author_title.jpg