Seminar "The EU - an active player in a globalised world"

calendar_month 19 Oct 2010, 00:00
The EU is generously financing the programme and is organising it jointly with the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" University of Iasi and its "Jean Monnet" Centre of European Studies.
The four-day proposed seminar will include four lectures delivered by international professors:
1. EU in a globalised world: new challenges and opportunities
2. EU-USA relations at a time of global changes: economic crisis, climate change, and security
3. EU-Russia: cooperation or unsteady relationship?
4. Romania in the regional context (The EU enlargement, the Europeanisation theory and its effects on Romania)
The lectures will be followed by in depth panel discussions coordinated by the same professors. Each lecture, and especially the panel discussions, will provide ample time for interactive discussion and debate.
Training sessions on research methods (methodology) will also be included on the last day of our seminar.
Invited lecturers:
Prof. Giorgio Dominese (Roma Tor Vergata University, Italy)
Dr. Dimitris Papadimitriou (University of Manchester, UK)
Dr. Licinia Simao (University of Coimbra, Portugal)
Prof. Stacy Vandeever (University of New Hampshire, USA
Prof. Michel Labori (Mouvement Eu Nord, France
Prof. dr. Zaharia Rodica Milena (Academy of Economic Studies, Romania)
The International seminar rationale
The wide range of actions and roles the EU conducts and plays internationally will be illustrated through this workshop. It will allow students to acquire specific knowledge on the EU's external roles and will help them develop critical and analytical skills in order to understand the new challenges the EU faces at global level. This topic has emerged as one of the most relevant issues within the EU politics subject and is endorsed by several EU official documents, books and journal articles. More recently, the Treaty of Lisbon gives Europe a clear voice in relations with its partners worldwide. It enhances Europe's economic, humanitarian, political and diplomatic strengths to promote European interests and values globally.
Programme aims
The seminar will provide a platform for exchange of ideas and debates between young researchers interested in the field of European affairs. They will be assisted by experts who will provide different perspectives on the thematic areas covered by the workshop. This will give them the opportunity to examine a variety of research fields related to their research objectives.
The programme is structured around four sessions with the aim of providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the globalisation concept and the EU's international role. Each of the four sessions will be composed of lectures followed, after short brakes, by panel discussions. The main working language will be English, hence strong knowledge of English is recommended.
Participants will receive at the end of the seminar a "Jean Monnet" certificate of excellence with transferable credits which can be used in the frame of their PhD programme.
Sursa: Universitatea "Al.I.Cuza" din Iasi