calendar_month 28 Iun 2007, 00:00
Daca esti plin de entuziasm si iti doresti sa inveti cat mai multe, iti putem oferi o oportunitate unica de a vedea daca P&G ti se potriveste.
Vei vedea ce inseamna sa lucrezi alaturi de noi, si iti vom oferi posibilitatea de a-ti demonstra abilitatile – vei decide daca viata in P&G este pentru tine, cu cele bune si cele rele.
Vei participa intr-un training de inductie, din momentul in care ni te alaturi. Te vom ghida si iti vom oferi coaching. Vom astepta de la tine sa demonstrezi initiativa si leadership, dar si sa inveti lucruri noi. Internship-urile in general dureaza de la 3 la 6 luni si se adreseaza studentilor in an terminal sau preterminal din orice disciplina de studiu.
Doresti sa vezi ce inseamna cele 9 piete din Balcani? Esti pasionat de Marketing si Vanzari? Ai abilitati analitice?
Aplica la Intern in Market Strategy & Planning!
Mai multe informatii:
Intern in Market Strategy & Planning Department
Market Strategy and Planning is the link between CBD (Customer Business Development) and Marketing in P&G. MS&P is responsible for customizing and adapting Brand Initiatives for the local market, and is dedicated to helping CBD win through a thorough understanding of the market dynamics, trade and customer structure, and category development in each market.
Bring to life the program which aims to collect Sales Fundamentals data from all 9 Balkan markets to enable CBD to become a data-based results oriented team.
You will report to a MS&P manager leading the project – but will be given freedom to explore various ways in which to improve the current set-up of the program by ensuring better quality data from the markets, at a quicker timing, for the best value for money. Your contribution will have a lasting business impact.
Period: 3 months – July-September 2007
You will have the opportunity to prove your leadership in the development of the project, set the strategy, implement your solutions and see the business results. You will interact with different functions, external stakeholders and with P&G management. Requirements:
Passion for precision
Excellent communication and collaboration skills
Good knowledge of English Language
Good PC Skills
Our Offer:
Paid employment with work contract for 3 months
Outstanding, hands-on experience in a project on which you will have full responsibility.
Esti pasionat/a de moda, cosmetice si industria frumusetii? Doresti sa afli cum se construieste imaginea unui produs de frumusete?
Aplica la External Relations Intern!
Mai multe informatii:
External Relations Department mission is to create, maintain and leverage a positive business environment to build and protect the business and reputation of P&G and its brands.
This involves working with a broad spectrum of external stakeholders ranging from media, Governmental bodies and thought leader professionals to educators, community neighbors and consumers. It also involves working with all the other departments in P&G to understand business opportunities and ensure compliance of P&G activities with the external world.
• Handle External Relations work on leading Beauty Care Brands in Romania, developing and executing plans to support their image building with influencers and consumers
• Period: 6 months – July- December 2007
Selected person will receive all necessary ''on the job'' and formal training.
• Passion for Beauty Care, fashion and communication
• Excellent communication and collaboration skills
• Good analytical skills, organized, good planning skills
• Good knowledge of English Language
• Good PC Skills.
Daca vrei sa lucrezi alaturi de profesionistii nostri in Finante, si sa contribui la analiza pietelor si produselor noastre din Balcani, vino alaturi de noi intr-un
Internship in Finante!
Mai multe informatii:
Intern in Finance Department
Are you willing to see from inside what a Finance Career in a Leading? Multi-National Fast Moving Consumer Goods Company can offer you?
Are you eager to build your understanding of the market, competitive,? consumer and trade environment in Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia & Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Albania and Moldova?
Are you interested in contributing to our growth in the region??
Do you want to enrich your theoretical knowledge with practical experience??
Then apply now to our Internship in the Finance Department!
Duration: 3-6 months.
We offer a highly competitive compensation package.
Are you a 3rd year, 4th year Student or a Master Degree Student and fluent in English?
We are looking for students with strong leadership skills, analytical thinking and ability to work effectively with diverse people.
Vezi cele mai noi programe de internship / stagii de practica in sectiunea Studentie.ro/Internship