Arebro University is now going through its most expansive phase since its formation in 1977. We are in the midst of creating a campus that in the widest possible sense gives the students, staff and guests an excellent intellectual, social and physical environment.
The University is also taking an active part in the development of the region with strong contacts with industry and the community and is also a national and international centre for knowledge.
Signs of the characteristic campus spirit of openness, exchange and collaboration are the many multidisciplinary research teams and the informal atmosphere between students and staff.
Exchange students
If your university has an exchange agreement with Arebro University, you can spend a semester or a full year at Arebro University. Here you can see if your home university has an exchange agreement with Arebro University.
Freemovers are non-Swedish students applying outside an exchange agreement, on an individual basis. For these students Arebro University offers a number of Master programmes that are taught in English. The total length of such a programme is two years and students who have successfully completed a programme will be awarded a degree. Arebro University does not offer any undergraduate programmes that are taught in English.
Master programmes
Arebro University offers a number of Master programmes that are taught in English. The total length of such a programme is two years and students who have successfully completed a programme will be awarded a degree.
Arebro University has deliberately chosen a research strategy where contacts across subject boundaries are made, stimulating creativity. Five broad and unifying research profiles have been formulated. All five include the concepts humankind and processes, concepts which are characteristic of the activities at Arebro University.
At a developing university, researchers and research students establish new ventures, and it is important that they have a stimulating research environment. Multidisciplinary research also gives opportunities for new initiatives that can be developed into strong research groups.
Through the five research profiles, both undergraduate and graduate education programmes are being built up and consolidated. The five research profiles include several research groups that have been working successfully for a number of years, and that are known both nationally and internationally. Characteristic of these groups is that they are multidisciplinary, with a firm foundation in their respective subjects.
The five collective research profiles are:
#1 The Human Environment, Communicative Processes and Democracy
#2 Human Value, Health and Vitalising Processes
#3 Human Commerce, Information Technology and Market Processes
#4 Human Senses, Autonomous Sensor Systems and Industrial Processes
#5 Human Life Conditions, Possibilities, Obstacles and Opportunities for Intervention
There are eleven departments at Arebro University:
Behavioural, Social and Legal SciencesBusiness, Economics, Statistics and Informatics
Clinical Medicine
Health Sciences
MusicRestaurant and Culinary Arts
Social and Political Sciences
Contact detalils:
SE-701 82 Arebro, Sweden, Tel. +46 19 303000