calendar_month 15 Nov 2007, 00:00
Our mission
Our mission is to undertake leading-edge, internationally-competitive research while offering a challenging student-centred learning environment. Through our status as a leading international university, we aim to sustain and add value to Scottish culture and society, to the natural environment and to the national economy.
A long pedigree
Founded in 1451, we are the fourth oldest university in the United Kingdom and have nearly 16000 undergraduates, 4000 postgraduates and 4000 adults in continuing education. We welcome students from over 80 countries.
A research powerhouse
The University is a major research powerhouse, with our annual research contract income in the top ten of UK universities. An exceptional 96% of our research-active staff are in areas which have been independently assessed as producing research of international importance.
Outstanding teaching quality
We offer an exceptional breadth of undergraduate student choice across the physical and life sciences, the social sciences and the humanities, together with a rapidly-expanding range of postgraduate courses. Our teaching quality has been independently rated as among the top ten in the UK and our medical and veterinary schools are consistently rated amongst the very best in the UK.
Working together
We cannot succeed alone and we work closely with partners and friends in the city, Scotland and beyond to ensure that we are an internationally successful university at the heart of Glasgow.
For further information about the University''s strategy to 2010 Building on excellence is available.
At Glasgow we offer an extensive range of undergraduate and postgraduate opportunities as well as part-time and evening courses.
These prospectuses are:
Undergraduate prospectus for entry in 2008
Postgraduate prospectus
The University of Glasgow admits by faculty and by degree, and when you apply you must indicate an interest in that faculty and degree. Because the University is large, all subjects are grouped into faculties, which are administrative groupings of departments.

Faculty of Arts
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Engineering
Faculty of Law, Business & Social Sciences
Faculty of Medicine
Faculties of Science
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Postgraduate study
The University of Glasgow''s international reputation for research and teaching makes it a rewarding place for study.
We are currently home to over 4,300 postgraduate students who play an important part in the life of the university. A postgraduate course offers the ultimate opportunity to pursue your own specialist interests.
Read our Postgraduate Prospectus for full details on all postgraduate and research courses.
Contacs: Vicki Stewart, International Undergraduate Admissions Assistant, telephone: 0141 330 8153, email:, responsibilities: Processing of applications for international undergraduate students. Admissions and Enquiries (Postgraduate and Undergraduate International)
Ann Wilber, Postgraduate Recruitment and Marketing Officer, telephone: 0141 330 3747, responsibilities: Responsible for marketing and recruitment of postgraduate taught courses.
Susan Robertson, Assistant Postgraduate Admissions Officer, telephone: 0141 330 2031, email:, responsibilities: Responsible for the marketing and recruitment of taught postgraduate programmes