Irish undergraduate education on the move
calendar_month 01 Mar 2011, 00:00
In the 2007 Times Higher - QS World University Rankings, Irish Universities are making their mark. QS Top Universities has a look at the results.Two Irish universities have made it into the top 200 universities in the world, results from the Times Higher - QS World University Rankings of 2007 show. Trinity College Dublin was placed =53 and the University College Dublin, 177.

In previous years' rankings, only Trinity College Dublin found a place in the top 200 (78th place in 2006), so the latest results show Irish undergraduate education is beginning to compete against the world's best.

Nunzio Quacquarelli, Managing Director of QS, the careers and education experts who co-authored the rankings, said the results are recognition of the quality of education that Irish universities offer. Ireland is putting itself forward and students are taking a closer look at them for the quality of the faculty, international diversity and, of course, to the education they will receive there, he said.

The rankings, which also look at the world's top universities in terms of subject areas, placed Trinity College Dublin as the 37th best university for Arts and Humanities and the 87th for Life Sciences and Biomedicine.

Trinity College Dublin Provost, Dr John Hegarty said the college's ambition was to build on its reputation as Ireland's number one university and be among the top 50 universities in the world. "We are indeed very pleased to have almost achieved that in a relatively short period of time. Such a high ranking is an outstanding achievement for a university in a small country, competing internationally with much larger and better-resourced universities."

Dr Hegarty said a university's reputation is built on the ability and performance of staff and students. "The fact that we ranked so highly relative to the resources available is a reflection of the very high calibre of students seeking entry to Trinity, the high-quality research produced by Trinity College researchers and the calibre and dedication of all our academic, administrative and support staff," he said.

Overall performance of all Irish Universities in the Times Higher - QS World University Rankings 2007
UniversityRankArts & HumanitiesEngineering & ITLife Sciences & BiomedicineNatural SciencesSocial Sciences
Trinity College Dublin =53 37 211 87 122 103
University College Dublin =177 104 243 222 298 135
University College Cork =286 284 261
Dublin City University 300 253
Dublin Institute of Technology =351 259
National University of Ireland, Galway 401-500
University of Limerick 401-500