Stagiu la Delegatia Comisiei Europene la Organizatia Natiunilor Unite din New York Delegatia Comisiei Europene la Organizatia Natiunilor Unite din New York ofera trei sesiuni de stagii pe an. Stagiile sunt neplatite, iar stagiarilor li se va

The mission of WHO is the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health. Vacancy Notice No: HQ/08//ISHI26 Title: Internship - HSE Summer 2009 Grade: P level Contract type: Internship Duration of contract: 6 - 12 weeks Date: 30

Nu sunt multe modificari, principalele aspecte vizate fiind: - prioritatile anuale aferente anului 2009 - reformularea sectiunii vizibilitate de la pagina 7 (in versiunea in limba engleza) - completare a sectiunii de protectia si siguranta

Programul TiA ne-a placut, Asa c-o scriere am vrut. In Craiova vom lucra Pe "Schimburi" vom aplica. Daca esti: - lucrator de tineret, - coordonator de proiecte, - voluntar, - membru ONG, - membru al unui grup informal de tineri, -

We look forward to meeting you on Friday, 12 December 2008 in ASE – room 2013, from 12.00 to 13.30 to inform you about Internship opportunities with KPMG Why an internship program? An internship at KPMG provides a unique opportunity for

The International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS) is one of the main international fora for the presentation and discussion of the latest technological advances in interactive multimedia services. The

INTERNSHIP: European Central Bank - Bruxelles [DL: 4 dec] Banca Centrala Europeana (ECB), Directoratul General pentru Resurse Umane, Buget si Organizare recruteaza stagiari pentru departamentul de planificare organizationala. Stagiul de pratica est

The Assembly of European Regions (AER) is the largest independent network of regions in wider Europe. Bringing together more than 270 regions from 33 countries and 13 interregional organisations, AER is the political voice of its members and a forum

Revista Tango cauta studenti entuziasti ce doresc sa capete experienta in presa scrisa. Programul de internship va acoperi mai multe componente, de la munca administrativa in redactie, munca de cercetare, pana la implicarea efectiva in activitatea

CENTER FOR ECONOMIC AND POLICY RESEARCH Job Announcement: International Program Intern November 19, 2008 Organization Description: CEPR was established in 1999 to promote democratic debate on the most important economic and social issues that affect